What are my chances for VT?

<p>I go to Potomac falls Highschool</p>

<p>I had a 3.2 GPA freshmen year, brought it up to a 3.7 for my junior year, and now the cummuliative is 3.5</p>

<p>600 on my critical reading, 570 on my math, and 650 on my writing </p>

<p>Debate team, all 3 years (so far) qualifying for varsity in my freshmen year and going to regionals</p>

<p>cross country sophmore-junior year, about to do it again for senior year</p>

<p>AP world history, AP psych, AP U.S. history, about to do AP economics, AP gov and AP english language for senior year</p>

<p>I'm not trying to get into the engineering program</p>

<p>Honestly speaking, your chances are pretty low right now.
Try to raise your GPA and SAT scores this year.</p>

<p>The average GPA is 4.0 and the average SAT score is 1900.</p>