<p>I have a 2.86 weighted GPA, I'm from Connecticut ,I have taken 1 AP class and 2 honor classes in my high school career. I play Lacrosse, I have some community service hours. I got a 1390 on my SAT's, 900 combined (500 Reading, 400 Math) I want to study political science. Will I be accepted?</p>
<p>Your GPA is below the average, your Math score is below the 25th percentile, and your Reading score is pretty much right at the 25th percentile. Thus, your chances are not very good. This does not mean you do not have any chance at all, but I would recommend considering junior college and then transferring to WVU later if you are not accepted initially. Good luck! Iām rooting for you!
<a href=āhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1033742-chances-various-universities-top-tier-others.html[/url]ā>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1033742-chances-various-universities-top-tier-others.html</a></p>