What are my chances? (Ivy)

<p>I'm currently a senior and international student hoping to gain admission from one of the Ivy League schools, this is where I'll be applying to:</p>

Notre Dame

<p>At the moment I'm doing the IB Diploma and my predictions are quite high and I'm in the top 1% of my class.
HL Math - 7
HL Biology - 7
HL English - 6
SL Psychology - 7
SL French - 6
SL Business and Management - 7
TOK+EE - A+A = 3
Total= 43</p>

<p>However, for some reason I have not been able to crack the SATs and my highest composit score was an abysmal 1800 however i scored high in my subject tests. Bio E and Math - both 700+ </p>

<p>My Extra-Curriculars are basically all sports but with over 300 hours of community service racked up including a week with Habitat Humanity in China rebuilding homes.<br>
I'm on the :
National U19 Soccer Team (Singapore)
National U17 Rugby Team (Singapore)
Varsity Soccer Captain
Varsity Rugby Captain
Varsity Basketball Captain
Varsity Athletics Captain
Varsity Cross Country team</p>

<p>I've also recieved quite a few academic awards which includes:
Harvard Univeristy Book Award (Junior Year)
Subject Awards for Math/Biology/Psychology/Business (Junior Year)
National Business Accounts/Finance Competition 1st Runners Up
and a laundry list of other Inter-School ones</p>

<p>I also hold many positions of responsibilities such as:
High School Senior Prefect
Environmental Co-ordinator
School Charity Rep
School Sports Rep</p>

<p>I was just wondering what my chances are for those unis especailly the ivy league ones and if my SAT Reasoning score will drag my chances by a lot (cannot retake due to other commitments)</p>

<p>Thanks in Advance</p>


<p>If you can up your SAT reasoning I think you’ll be in at all those schools.</p>

<p>WOW! I never thought one could possibly ever be in that many sports at the same time. Congrats to you! But 1800 is very low especially for the the caliber of schools you’re applying to. UP, up, and away!!!</p>

<p>thanks to both of you who’ve responded
a much needed bump thread here…
really concerned with my SAT 1 score …</p>

<p>when you say 1800, do you mean 1800 on the dot? if so I say you have very low chances at these schools despite your good ECs… get your SAT above a 2100 and I’d say you’ll be accepted in at least one ivy (are you doing ED to any?)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/803008-board-set-pieces-moving-we-come-last-early-decision.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/803008-board-set-pieces-moving-we-come-last-early-decision.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>jesus… incredible stats but low SAT.</p>

<p>Use the CB guide for the sat and keep working at it!!!</p>

<p>Yes it is 1800 on the dot - lol
I know its an extremely inadequate score but there’s absolutely no way that I can re-take, unless I do it in Janurary and I’m not sure if they will accept my scores then</p>

<p>Thing about me is that I’m by no means a bright student, I’m just a student who works extremely hard and studies till about 4-5am in the morning everyday (typical asians) </p>

<p>Trust me, I did an entire SAT test a day everyday before the October SATs, and i CANNOT break 1800</p>

<p>Why don’t you try the ACT? Chances are you won’t be admitted to any Ivy League schools (or any of the schools you have listed) with an 1800.</p>

<p>I really think you’re just going to have to stick with your 1800.
I’ve got a pretty similar problem (SAT: 1900). Your stats are amazing. Get some really good recommendations and write some amazing essays and you could possibly pull it off. No one can guarantee anything with the Ivies. But you don’t have that bad a shot.</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation as you dude. I have a 3.92 GPA but for some reason something is stopping me from doing well on the SAT (I have an 1820). I do think I have a strong essay and good recommendations, and the fact I’m an URM US Citizen living in Sudan should be a hook. I hope so anyways, because I’m going to need as much as possible to make up for my low SAT score. I’m hoping my last re-take this Saturday goes well. You definitely qualify for all of those unis but like everyone said your SAT score is relatively low. STILL APPLY, though, because you still have a shot. I’m sure one of those Ivies will forgive you for your low SAT score since everything else is stellar. It’s obvious you deserve to get into all of them.</p>

<p>Chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/801657-high-gpa-ok-sat-how-much-will-sat-hurt-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/801657-high-gpa-ok-sat-how-much-will-sat-hurt-me.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Bump (Need all the advise I can get) - wondering if anyone was in a similar position and got into ivy league. </p>

<p>Thanks for all of your inputs so far guys, really got me thinking. </p>

<p>I’m quite disappointed with the fact that a diagnostic test like this is looking likely to ruin my chances to study at a top-top university in the States. I’ve been working so hard all my life in and out of class but i guess there isn’t much else I can do but hope.</p>