What are my chances of getting into George Washington University

What are my chances of getting into George Washington University or even a school like Georgetown majoring in Political Science and Philosophy?

haven’t taken the sats yet but regarding my extra curriculars

Model UN (Director General)
Luitenant Governor of the New Jersey Key Club State Board, as well as Co- President of High school Club (Volunteer club)
JSA (political club, VP)
National Honors Society (Secretary)
Amnesty International (Secretary)
Varsity Tennis Team
Drama Department (Secretary of the Thespians Honors Society)
Township Human Relations Comission (Junior Comissioner)
United Nations Internship
Township Youth Council (Diversity Committee)

Unweighted GPA: 97.5

Weighted GPA: 99.3

I’m not familiar with Georgetown admissions but one of my best friends goes to GW. You honestly seem like a clear admit based on this information and would likely fit well with their “vibe” and goal student for admits. Have you looked at American? Also in DC.