I am a senior coming from a competitive school in Northern Virginia. I have about a 4.071 GPA (my school only does weighted) and an SAT score of 1940. I know by SAT isn’t stellar, but I have a lot of leadership roles, internships, and extracurriculars I have written about in my application (I also plan on majoring in communications/journalism).
Some include: 1. Internship working with a local photojournalist: worked on projects for Teen Vogue and H&M
2. Job with an up and coming music production company as a creative director.
3. Internship with a local newspaper, leading me into my current job: Paid freelance writer and photographer.
4. I also founded my own company/have my own website for my photography.
5. I started a project at my school like “Humans of New York”, interviewing students at my school so they can share their unique stories. Over 1,030 likes.
Other academic credentials:
- Won a Spanish scholarship freshman year
- Member of three honors societies
- Varsity Scholar Athlete for 3 Years
I will graduate having taken 8 AP classes and an AP Scholar with Honor.
More extracurriculars:
- Section leader (bass player) of school’s highest orchestra (for three years), member of the orchestra since Freshman year (participated in a district orchestra as well). I’ve also participated in our German Exchange program all four years, traveling to Germany twice with my orchestra to perform.
- Varsity track athlete Freshman to Junior Year (two time regional qualifier)
- I’ve played soccer from age 5 to age 17, hoping to start again in spring. I was team captain of a travel soccer team for the last couple of years.
- Founded photography club at school (and president)
- Raised over $15,000 with a few of my friends for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.
- Vice President of my orchestra in 2014, Social Chair for the past 2 years
- Head of decorations for my school’s homecoming this year through leadership class
- Student mentor of underclassmen last year (competitive to get)
- Social Media manager of a nonprofit organization that has now expanded to a national level (organization started by a classmate over the past year)
Which division of NYU are you applying to? I think you have a decent shot at Arts & Sciences.
I am applying to Arts & Sciences! And thank you for your input 
Make sure you have one recommendation letter from your school, and one from your internship. When writing your personal statement, talk about your current self, don’t go off tangent and talk about another person. Review your personal statement and then give it to one of your teachers at school to review. You want to make sure that all grammatical errors are corrected, and that the essay flows well.
Another thing, I want to point out is that NYU is not generous with financial aid. Chances are that you will have to pay the majority of the $43,000-$47,000 a year tuition without room and board. There are many college that rival NYU’s programs at a more affordable price. However, if money is not a concern and you can pay the tuition as soon as you graduate, then go right ahead and apply.
Yes, I have two teacher recs, one from my boss for the newspaper I work for (and interned for over the summer), and my school counselor. I poured my heart and soul into my NYU essay, and hopefully that comes across. I emphasized how NYU is tailored to all of my interests, and how it’s the best school for me, etc. Thank you for your advice!
Hey guys, what are my chances for ED I Biology at College of Arts and Sciences?
I’m currently an Asian-American male junior attending a private international school in Taiwan.
I have generally A-/B+ grades (out of the 38 classes I have taken from my freshman year up to my 1st semester of junior year, I have received 7 B+s and nothing below that).
My weighted GPA is a 3.95 and UW is around a 3.7. I took only an Honors English class in 9th grade and the rest were regulars. For my sophomore year, all my core classes were Honors (English, Precalculus, Chemistry) and I took AP Euro.
My scores so far are:
- SAT I (Old Version)
1st Attempt: 670 CR, 720 M, 730 W (2120)
2nd Attempt: 660 CR, 800 M, 690 W (2150)
Super-Score: 2200
Math IIC: 790
I plan on taking biology and chemistry.
- APs:
AP Euro: 4
I'm currently taking 5 AP Classes (AP Lang, APUSH, AP Calc AB, AP Psych, and AP Bio).
I feel pretty worried about ECs though- don’t have many awards and other stuff to offer:
- JV and Varsity Cross Country: 9th and 10th grade
- Student Government Member: 11th grade
- Worked as a laboratory helper at an infectious diseases research department at a public hospital
- Possibly another internship this summer + Rustic Pathways trip to Thailand to learn about public health.
Thanks for putting in the time to read my profile! Any feedback is welcomed~

I think you have a good shot as well! Are you a junior or senior? And if you have time, I would try to get more leadership opportunities for extra curr. if possible!
Hi cline23,
I am currently a junior and while I can pack this entire summer with internships and volunteer jobs, I do not think I can obtain any major leadership opportunities in the time between now and Nov 1st.
I am joining my school’s synthetic biology research team next year and we may go overseas to compete, if that counts.
I’ve just been really busy with schoolwork and standardized tests- our school is pretty competitive. I generally have little time to devote to outside matters, unfortunately. Cross Country was a substantial commitment and huge detriment to my grades.
Thanks though, for your feedback!