<p>So I'm currently going into my sophomore year in a local community college in NJ. At the end of fall semester this year i should have about a 3.41 gpa. I am also a Eagle Scout, i work for the YMCA during the school year at an elementary school, during the summer at a summer camp, play soccer in a verity of mens leagues and i continue to referee youth soccer games across the state of NJ.</p>
<p>I intend to apply to Rutgers, Penn State (as a reach) and a few others. What do you guys think my chances are of getting in. (I want to achieve a kinesology /excercise science degree that i can use to get into Physical Therapy grad school)</p>
<p>I am also going to apply right when the semester is over so this semesters grades count in my gpa and transcripts.</p>