What are my chances of getting into The Haverford School and/or Barrack?

Hi,I am applying for 9th grade at The Haverford School and Barrack. I would like to get into both.

I recently took the ISEE Test.

My scores are:

Reading: 99th Percentile, 9th Stanine
Quantitative Reasoning: 54th Percentile, 5th Stanine
Verbal: 25th Percentile, 4th Stanine (struggled on synonyms, but got all “fill-in the blanks”)
Math: 20th Percentile, 3rd Stanine
Believe I did well on Wrting.

Averages out to: 50th Percentile, 5.5 Stanine’

The schools I am applying to are somewhat competitive when applying, but Haverford has a lower acceptance rate as more kids apply. Barrack has asked for more information about myself, but I did submit a writing piece about an experience of mine to Haverford.

They are located in suburban Philadelphia.

My strongest areas are my reading and writing.
I am very advanced at tennis, and play kids 2 years older than me on their High School teams. I probably won’t send in a coaches note, but if I may if you recommend I do.
I am currently taking Spanish in school.
I was on Student Council.
I also have done lots of community service, including THON for pediatric cancer, work for charities, a “well-known” YouTuber
I currently go to a middle school on the smaller size, but kids go to these two schools from my school almost every year and know my current school well.
Did well in writing school application essays on a good topic.
I believe my teacher recommendations were good.
I did my interviews and I made good impressions. At Barrack I visited one of the classrooms with the main admissions person and she was very impressed as I knew all the information.

My current grades are very good. I have all As in my classes including math, which I “struggled” with on the test. They were submitted to both schools.

Thank you!