What are my chances of getting into the University of Alabama?

I am going into my Senior year of High School in Texas.
GPA: 3.3, high upward trend (3.8 Junior Year).
SAT: 1160 (Might retake).
No APs.
Strong Essay.
What are my chances and when should I apply?

I’d be fairly confident if I was you. Apply to a school you will for sure get into just in case but I’d be a bit surprised if you don’t get in

Yes, as long as you apply early, you should be fine. I hope your parents budgeted for an out-of-state public university, however! COA is about $42k/year for OOS students.

Apply early…app opens in early July

It’s open now.

Q… my child is only applying to UA. OOS. 3.95/ACT 32. Ranked 31 or 32/403. Should we be stressed that he won’t get in, and is the Presidential scholarship automatic? Just want to make sure we shouldn’t apply to our state school as a backup. :wink:

Presidential scholarship requirement for this year has changed to ACT 33.

Excuse me… UA Scholar. NoVADad99… you have an answer to the question.

@Ark2018 He will get in. Yes the merit scholarships like the Presidential are awarded automatically, but as NoVADad99 said, the requirement for Presidential is now ACT 33.

He’ll definitely get in.