What are my chances (Spring 2016)

Transferring from Houston Community College, Used to go to University of Texas at Tyler (I got suspended from UT Tyler for possession)

My current GPA is a 3.29 but by the end of the Fall 2015, I expect a 3.6

1st Choice: Peutroleum Engineering or Actuary
2nd Choice: Chemistry
My classes are:
Chemistry 1: B
Chemistry 2: C
Biology 1: B
Speech: B
English 1: A
Theater: A
Government: A
Psychology: A

I took AP tests for French and Calculus, I got a 4 on both

This Fall, I will be taking Biology, microbiology, statistics, english 2 and government 2

I have multiple volunteer hours under my belt and will be working during the school year (if that counts for anything). I am looking to also start volunteering at a local hospital or something like that.