<p>I want to get into harvard when I graduate HS, but I'm not exactly sure of my chances. Here's my info:</p>
<p>9th grade
Classes- Art, Geometry H., Oceanography/ Astronomy, Bio H., history, english, spanish 2
EC's- Science club, envirthon, math club, chess club</p>
<p>10th (current)
classes- AP Bio,Trig H, Chem H, Spanish 3,Science Research(college course),history H, Eng H
also taking AP psych + Ap stats exams, think i'll do good on psych, but not stats
EC's- Science club, envirthon, math club, chess club, spanish club, debate club, + human rights club fencing
Summer- Harvard SSP principles of molec bio + other science class, plan on getting reccomendations from professors/ working at Harvard lab/ doing crew</p>
Classes- AP physics, AP chem, AP eng, AP US history, AP calc, Spanish4 H., Science Resarch (it's 3 years)
EC's- Starting own club for academic science, Science club, envirthon, math club, chess club, spanish club, debate club, + human rights club, fencing
Summer- dont know, probably working at a lab</p>
Classes- Science Research, AP stats, AP world history, AP eng, AP Spanish 5, AP gov, + others
EC's- same + national competitions</p>
<p>Applied for columbia's SHP, first person in my school to do so<br>
GPA ~3.95-4.0
Hispanic origin
300 hours comm service by 12th grade
Also plan on taking laocal college courses
probaly hold a few officer positions in clubs, and will be a president in 11th + 12th grade
SAT 2' plan on taking after I take the AP classes, so probably from 780 - 800</p>
<p>Thanks in advanced for the help.</p>