What are my chances?!? UCSD and UCLA

I’m an incoming senior this Fall and will be applying for college in the Winter. I will be applying to almost all UC’s and Georgia Tech.
My Credentials:
• 4.43 W
• 3.84 UW
• 2070 Old SAT
• 1520 New SAT
• 700 SAT II Bio
• 780 SAT II Math 2
• EC’s

  • President and Founder of Distressed Children and Infants club: We do a lot of charity work throughout the community and support children for years for their educational and medical needs in Bangladesh
  • Vice President of Interact Club: we do a lot of volunteering work through the the community
  • Volunteering at the local hospital: over 300 hours
  • NHS member ( I know it’s not that impressive but it’s something)
  • Track and Field for 2 years
  • Treasurer of Community Connect club: we find all the local scholarships which then can be given to qualifying students in 9th and 10th grade

I will be applying as a biomed engineering major to all upper end UC’s and Georgia Tech. I specifically want to go to UCLA or UCSD. What are my chances for these schools?

Are you in-state or OOS?
UC GPA? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

I’m a California resident.
UC W GPA : 4.04

As crazy as it sounds your GPA is a little light for both schools. Stand out ECs and a compelling application could get you in though.

Apply - but also apply down the UC stack a bit. Davis, Irvine and Santa Barbara also have outstanding programs but, aren’t a lock either.

Include UCR, UCSC and CP SLO - maybe USD, LMU and Santa Clara too.

Good luck.

I don’t really understand the UC GPA and how high a good one is? Can someone explain that to me.

The UC GPA uses a-g course requirements from 10-11th grade in the calculation. The a-g course requirements can be found on this link and you need to meet all to be eligible to apply to a UC. There are alternate ways to fulfill the requirements which are detailed in the link.



You receive up to 8 extra honors points in the calculation for UC approved Honors courses, AP/IB or DE courses taken in 10-11th grade (8 semesters). The Maximum UC GPA you can obtain using the 8 honors points is 4.33 and this is the capped UC GPA. UCLA/UCB also use uncapped meaning unlimited honors points for these classes in 10-11th grade.

Each school weights honors/AP/IB/DE courses differently, so the UC’s use a standard formula to compare all applicants.

I would say that UCSD is a match and that UCLA is a low reach. You have pretty similar stats to what I had and a much better list of EC’s. (My GPA was a tad higher) I think that you can get into to both schools with a strong essay so I would really focus on that. Good luck!

Thank you so much!