<p>I have had some health problems in the past, so I have had a bizarre curriculum and low grades during my freshman and sophmore years. I have learnt to deal with it over time and have had an unward trend throughout high school. My school is rural and public and has small classes and offers no real ap classes.</p>
<p>I'm white. Lower middle class, might qualify for EOP or HEOP.</p>
<p>SATs: 610 critical reading 580 math
ACT: 27
Culmulative GPA: 94.5 w 94.0 uw
Rank: 10/80</p>
<p>Freshman year:
English 9 65
Global 9 65
Earth Science 65</p>
<p>Sophmore year:
English 10 91
Global 10 85
Biology 96
Algebra 92
Accounting 81
Health 100</p>
PSY 101 100
SOC 101 100
had to take these at the community college so i would have enough credit to graduate.</p>
<p>Junior year:
English 11 95
US History (AP) 97 not a real AP class, community college credit class
Chemistry 99
Geometry 98
Computer Apps. 100
Keyboarding 99
Spanish 1 98</p>
<p>NYS Regents Grades
Global 94
US History 99
English 95
Chemistry 98
Math A 94
Biology 97
Earth Science 86</p>
<p>if my average seems off, i am probably forgetting some classes.</p>
<p>Edit: forgot to mention, i had the highest grades in my bio, US history, Chem, Geometry, and com. apps class (only 100).</p>
<p>Extracurriculars, havent been able to do many
Drama Club 1 year
Scholastic Bowl 1 year 2nd place in region
chemistry olympiad participant, highest scorer in school</p>
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY Stony Brook
Cornell (CALS)(longshot)
SUNY Geneseo</p>
<p>im in state for the SUNY colleges</p>