What are my chances??

<p>I'm currently a senior and my top schools are Northeastern and American University. I'm also applying to Univeristy of New Haven, Villanova, Lehigh, Syracuse, possibly Cornell IRL program. And Drexel and Quinipiac b/c they sent me VIP apps. </p>

<p>My stats</p>

<p>I know my Unweighted cumiltive GPA is a 93, not sure of what the weighted is yet. I'm in the top 10% of my class. My school doesnt release indivdual rank though. Only top two.</p>

<p>Freshman year
2 honors, ended with a 92</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
All honors, one regular, ended with a 94</p>

<p>Junior Year
Honors, AP U.S history (4) and A.P Language and Comp (4) ended with a 93</p>

<p>Now I'm taking all honors, and 3 ap-- Lit, Environmental, and Psych</p>

National, Foreign, and Tri-M music honor society, Girls State, science achievement award, a significant leadership scholarship (given by my school), High honor roll throughout every quarter of the 6 semester period, and 2 academic letters. </p>

<p>Work Experiance:
Junior year I worked as a dietary aide, 6 hours a week from october-april, and became a trainer of employees. I had to stop for personal reasons.</p>

<p>I've tutored/watched a close family friend throughout the summers 33 hours a week, for a total of 1,011... was paid.</p>

My sophmore year I became a founding member and am now comittee chairperson of a grassroots organization at my school which seeks to empower women throughout the world and help survivors of human trafficking. We've hosted two races which raised a total of over
$30,000, have been recognized by our state senator, have had two celebritys attend both events. We have also been featured on local news stations and have recieved recogniztion from an internatiol foundation, the Somaly Mam foundation (she attended the race).</p>

<p>Student governent: three years, senator first, two of which ive been the Student board of education rep which requires me to attend every board meeting and speak on be-half of the student body. I am also an officer.</p>

<p>Model UN, junior senior</p>

<p>Community Service, filing medical records, 52 hours</p>

<p>42 hour internship with my local police department</p>

<p>Concert and Jazz band all 4 years of high school, alto and tenor sax. im section leader in concert band, as i have been since sophmore year.</p>

<p>Special olymics- 20 hours, junior, senior</p>

<p>Names can really hurt program, student facilitator, junior year</p>

<p>anti-prejudice leadership conference at quinipiac univeristy, junior year</p>

<p>National student leadership conference, forensic science (got scholarship to), summer of junior year</p>

<p>I also have a first degree black belt in tang soo do karate </p>

<p>My essay is really great, but extremely personal. Ive been told by my AP english teacher that it is extremly powerful. </p>

<p>My letters are really strong, from both AP junior year teachers.</p>

<p>My scores... bad. Ive only taken the sat once and got a 1640. But all september im taking the princeton review class which will deffinitely boost my scores. My friend took the same class started with a 1630, and now has a 2100. I plan on takin the Act too.</p>

<p>Im applying Early to all, and test optional to American. I have visited both American and Northeastern and have expressed great interest. </p>

<p>I want to major in psychology and minor in womens studies. </p>

<p>So what do you think?</p>

<p>I’m assuming that, if your recommendations and essays are great, you should be able to get into at least one of your top choices, and the other colleges. Your ECs look decent, and the only real problem you have is your SAT/ACT, which you’ll probably be able to raise to a 2000 at least. All assumptions though.</p>