What are my chances?

<p>I'm a junior this year, and here are my stats...</p>

SAT I: not yet, planning to take new SAT I in March
Chinese: 800
Biology M: 780
Writing: 800
Math IIC: 800
Chem: 800</p>

English Lang: 5
Music Theory: 5
Euro Hist: 5
Comp Sci A: 5
Calc BC: 5</p>

All APs, basically, hopefully all A's
4.0 unweighted GPA</p>

Model UN - this year (hopefully in line for leadership next year)
Math Club - 3 yrs (hopefully in line for leadership next year)
Academic Deacthlon - this year (in line for leadership next year)
Regional Orchestra - 3 yrs - principal violist
NJ All-State Orchestra - 2nd chair
Science League - 2 yrs (top 10% in NJ)
Cross Country - 2 yrs (stopped this year)
(might be in line for editorship in literary magazine)</p>

A journalism award, a citation from the state legislature, and a Chinese culture award... (maybe more by the end of this year)</p>

<p>Job experience:

<p>Volunteer work:
around 150 hrs.</p>

<p>Um... yeah, that's pretty much it. I'll probably have taken the SAT I, SAT II spanish, AP Eng Lit, AP Spanish, AP Phys C, AP US Hist, AP Chem (?) and maybe something else by the end of this year.</p>

<p>Okay... assuming that I apply to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc., what are my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>Good chances at all of those schools. Keep up your GPA and get a good score on SAT I. Nice SAT II scores BTW.</p>