what are my chances....

<p>i am a sophomore student at gwu... I started the transfer application process last semester prior to my troubles with the Student Conduct office, however it is the end of the school year and I am currently suspended for a year for drug charges (not selling but possession and use). They are allowing me to receive my credits for the semester (which is the reason they pushed the suspension from a semester to a full academic year). When I began the app process I was on disciplinary probation and stated the reasons in my common app...My stats aren't superb (academics at GW suck!) as I've been dealing with many personal issues that distracted me from my school work- my grades are extremely sporadic but my gpa needs work to balance out poor grades I've earned in math and science courses...nonetheless you can tell from previous coursework and my extracurriculars that I'm your atypical underdog with immense potential. </p>

<p>With all that said, I'm wondering if I would still be considered to these schools even with my suspension:<br>
-University of Miami
-Univ of San Fran
-Univ of San Diego
-Bard College
-Hamilton College
-Case Western Reserve</p>

<p>So far I've received acceptances to Northeastern and Pace...And U Miami, Hamilton, and USD seems like they're leaning towards accepting me depending on my end of the semester grades..</p>