What are my chances??

<p>Hi everybody..
So today i got my SAT score back after doing it for the first time, i got a 1740.. 490 CR, 620 MAth, and 630 writing.. Apparently, i need to raise my CR score because it's bad in comparison to the math and writing..I really wish to get into a good school and I was putting johns hopkins and other schools for medicine in mind and after this i dont know what are my chances.. Now simple facts about me: i came to the U.S. In the beginning of this school year from Syria.. I have straight A's in my current high school, i only took honors classes.. A 4.0 GPA..
I do basketball, swimming, horse back riding and tennis.. I got into the national honors society and i'm in Hackers' club.. We dont really have a lot of clubs in our school.. I speak English and Arabic fluently and can write in both, I'm planning to take math2, chemistry and english subject tests, i might cancel out the english though.. And i will be redoing the SAT in october before submitting my application.. Now, my question is what are my chances to get into some good colleges and universities for pre med, with any scholarships?? And do i really have a chance in johns hopkins?? Am i considered an international or national as i will spend my last 2 years of high school in here??
P.S. My classes for my senior year are mostly AP's.
Thank you,
Apprecite your help!</p>

<p>Some colleges might be willing to give you a bit of a break, since English is not your first language and you came here recently from a war-torn, traumatized nation. I suggest that you look at some test-optional colleges, however, along with some public universities. Most colleges offer the basic courses you need to satisfy pre-med requirements, and you will have time to improve your English skills. There are some excellent test-optional colleges; you can research them elsewhere on this website.</p>

<p>The thing is English is not a problem for me at all in school and it’s so easy… In speaking and writing I’m so good and even in reading… In fact I’m better than a lot of students in my school in the SAT score… And thanks for the suggestion but I think I’ll just have to retake it, of course after preparing for the CR a lot…</p>