What are my chances?

I just applied yesterday so I know I’m a little towards the tail end of the applications but what do you think my chances are?

OOS, female, white
GPA: 3.67 UW, 4.34 W
ACT: Composite - 31
Math - 28
Science - 30
English - 33
Reading - 33
AP Classes: 4
All honors courses Junior and Senior year, minus P.E.
NHS, Student Leadership Team, Spanish Honors Society, 3 years school volleyball, 2 years club volleyball, state scholar, I also have a job.
Just looking for some opinions! Also, around what time will I hear back because I applied just recently?

You will hear by March 31st.

Middle of the pack. btw- the last applications will be submitted over a month from now! Some will be those who applied early decision to elite schools and find out they need a backup. Others (like my son several years ago) finally get around to it- he was a stellar candidate and heard within 3 weeks. Many who applied much earlier than this are postponed to keep room for those who apply by the Feb deadline.