<p>Weighted GPA - 3.9688
Unweighter GPA - 3.7419
SAT (going to retake):
Critical Reading - 700
Math - 660
Writing - 660
ACT w/ writing (composite) (going to retake)- 32
AP World History - 3
AP Biology - 5
AP English Language and Composition - 5
AP US History - 4
Rank: 71/551 (has changed)
Chorale (4 years)
Beta (4 years)
Science Olympiad (2 years)
Science National Honors Society (2 years)
Latin Club (2 years)
Choral Council VP
Chorale Librarian
Science Olympiad officers
Community Service:
Beta (75 hours)
Hospital (70 hours)
Library (72 hours)
Honor Roll 2004-2007
Magna Cum Laude, National Latin Exam 2006
1st place in Latin Certamen at State Junior Classical League Convention 2004
2nd place in Designer Genes, Regional Science Olympiad 2006
Superior Award, Fulton Forum Language Competition 2006
Chorale Award
GMEA Conference (state choral conference)
AP Scholar
Courses ive taken/im taking: Algebra I, 9th English, Political Science, Latin I, German I, Chorus, Economics, Honors Biology, Honors Geometry, Honors 10th Grade English, Honors Chemistry Study, AP World History, Honors Latin II, AP US History, Honors Precalculus, AP Biology, and AP English Language and Composition.</p>
<p>i wanna go to Wash U and Johns Hopkins. do i have any chances there?</p>
<p>you should post this in the what are my chances forum, but id say you have a shot at those places.</p>