<p>i have a 3.4 unweighted and a 3.9 weighted.
entering junior year
all honors courses and 3 aps(ap chinese, ap stat, ap us) also taking a english class called dominant ideas which is considered a ap in my school
deca(the business club of america)
football team
crew team
got a law firm internship over the summer and still do it, one of the law firm owners is a massachusets state rep and he probably could right a letter of recommendation for me
volunteer at senior center and library
english is my second language, moved to the us when i was 9
president and founder of the environmental club
debate club(junior states of america)
what colleges can i get into? specifics please. i live in massachussets and the school is top ten public schools in massachusetts
is vanderbilt, usc, notre dame, nyu, university of chicago, michigan, university of illinois, university of wisconsin, university of texas possible? thanks you.
will consider early action or decission to all of the schools. thank you again.</p>
<p>bump, please help. thanks.</p>
<p>act or sat???</p>