What are my chances?

<p>What are my chances? </p>

<p>SAT I (Old): 1510 760M, 750V
SAT IIs yet to be taken</p>

US History 5
World History 5</p>

<p>GPA weighted (4.78)
Unweighted (3.98)
Class rank 6 out of about 400</p>

Mu Alpha Theta (2 years)
Speech Team (1 year)
Academic Team (2 years)
French Honor Society (2 years)
Orchestra (4 years)
Math Honors (1 year)
Chess Club (3 years)</p>

Secretary- Symphonic Orchestra
VP- Mu Alpha Theta</p>

<p>6 hours community service</p>

Geometry, Algebra II, Precal Awards
Mason and Hanger College Incentive Fund
Optimist Respect for Law Award
Academic Team-Governor’s Cup 5th place district
5th place regionals
State Top 20
4 distinguished solos- Kentucky Music Education Association</p>

<p>AP Courses:
AP World History
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Calculus
AP Chemistry
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP Physics
AP Biology</p>