<p>okay so, I go to the school which produced reggie bush and alex smith, just a facts for you guys (helix high school). Well I'm in my senior year know and I have a 3.2 unweighted gpa, but a 3.6 weighted gpa, suprisingly I've always been that lazy smart kid. The kid who doesn't turn in homework and still pulls off an A in the test. All my teachers hated me for that, except my math teacher who actually believed in the same notion that I did... "Homework is practice". Well i have a high sat score, 2150...32 ACT. I also did some sports nothing major just some jv sports and I have over 60 hours of community service and I was a member and vice president of the muslim club. I'm also from somalia, which makes me somali, but since they don't have a section for that on race question, I check african american. Well I'm applying to schools like, CAL, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, Stanford, Vanderbilt and Northwestern, so what would my chances be? go ahead start the critique, tell me my chances too, I'm all ready. I did take AP and Honors classes throughout high school and recieved 4's and 5's on the most AP test. AP CAl AB and BC 5, AP physics (both) 5, AP Art history 4, AP Spanish 5, AP US history 5, AP English Language and Comp. 4, AP world 4, Ap environmental 4.</p>