What are my options?

<p>hey everyone! i am going to be a senior in the fall. just wanted to see if I had ANY chance at any of the UC’s Resident of California, Female, Hispanic overall GPA: 3.4 (ended junior year with a 4.0)
SAT: 1270 (im retaking in the fall) ACT:18
AP’s/ honors ive taken: (junior year) AP Bio
AP lang
french 3 honors
Senior year AP’s/ Honors i will take physics honors
AP lit
AP french
AP stats
EC’s/ awards:
French Club (will be vice pres. in fall) math club
have been playing piano since i have been in 1st grade.
part of a volunteer program for three years principals honor role
Member of a local animal/ environment activist group </p>

<p>plan on majoring in Biology (specifically animal biology, zoology, or wildlife)
Middle Class. Will apply for financial aid. Do I have any chance for any of the UC’s? community college is not an option. thank you for your time!</p>

<p>UC Merced and CSU’s.</p>

<p>Community college isn’t an option? Why? It kind of sounds like it’d be a better thing for you so that you could have better prospects when you transfer to a UC. </p>

<p>If your SAT score is 1270/2400…I don’t think you’d honestly get into any UC or CSU unless you can tell me what your M+V scores were. 1500/2400 is the national average. </p>

<p>Your URM status would help you more if you could pull up your SAT scores. I think the damage is done already for your GPA.</p>

<p>Scores are not everything, it all depends how you “sell yourself” in the essay. Writing really great essay can really help your chances.</p>

<p>One of my friends had a 1200 SAT and 3.5 GPA. But he wrote an awesome essay and was accepted to UCLA, UCR, and waitlisted at Davis. Goodluck!</p>

<p>Apply broadly and cover all your bases (UCs, CSUs, private and out-of-state colleges). You don’t know whether you can get in until you apply so don’t exclude yourself from applying to certain colleges (Berkeley, UCLA and the likes) based on the saying so of random strangers on the internet (then again, you don’t have to listen to me either). </p>

<p>You will probably get better financial aid offers from private/out-of-state colleges (colleges out in the Midwest and the South LOVE California students … but then again, you are going to college in the Midwest or the South) so you may want to look into those.</p>