What are some good extracurricular things you can do for applying to Uc's

Can someone give me some good examples? currently i am playing varsity tennis and varsity badminton. i am also a president in a club and i have 200 hours of community service and i volunteer at a language school every saturday.

You have good EC’s. For the UC’s, EC’s are considered important and they can set up apart from many of the qualified applicants that apply, but GPA, test scores, HS course rigor and essays are considered very important.

any examples of anything extra i can do over the summer? i want to be a pharmacist and i’m trying to get some interenships but i just want to do something extra over the summer? suggestions?

A part time job is an excellent EC. It does not have to major related unless you plan to apply to a 0-6 direct admit Pharmacy program.

im not old enough yet to work a part time. but when school starts i can.

UC’s emphasize academics over EC’s. Do things that interest you and not just because you think it looks good for a college.

GPA/test scores/HS course rigor and essays are considered very important to the UC’s.

that is plenty but, as @gumbymom notes above GPA, course rigor and test scores matter most to UCs - so, those activities won’t make up for a sub par GPA. .