What are some good summer extracurricular activities for a high school freshman?

Are there any good summer extracurriculars for a high school freshman living in Virginia (near Norfolk)?
Specifically science-related.

Have you considered Governor’s School?

  1. Ask your science teachers or Guidance counselors if they know of any
  2. Look at your local college/community college and see if they have any programs for HSers
  3. Get a job.
  4. Volunteer
  5. Work at a camp and see if you can work on any STEM stuff

Colleges like to see you doing something productive…be it working, learning, volunteering…whatever.

Depends on what your parents are willing to help with. If they don’t mind spending some money, lots of colleges in the area and even around the country have good 2-5 week residential programs. If you want something where you can live at home, ask your counselor.