<p>that was under my relevant coursework section</p>
Intro to Computers and Programming, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Economics Decision Making, Operations Modeling, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Linear Statistical Models, Markov Processes, Data Processing(Visual Basic & SQL)</p>
<p>You have a relevant coursework section? A lot of resume builders frown on that. You don’t think a recruiter or hiring manager understands what is entailed in getting the degree?</p>
<p>Also, is a proficiency really a skill? I’m not saying change it, but think about it; are you skilled at using Visio, what does that mean?</p>
<p>Personally, I have a section of the resume called “computer” that lists the programming languages I know (which are none) and appropriate software I am familiar with.</p>
<p>I have an objective, education, skills, and work experience. Skills is more a functional breakdown of what I have shown to be able to do in my career. Under catagories like Leadership, Problem Solving, Projects, and Quantitative and Statistical Analysis I list acheivements within those. You probably want 3 to 5 catagories, as a new grad maybe only 3. </p>
<p>Skills you should demonstrate for consulting or almost any job; leadership, accountability, and communication.</p>
<p>hmm actually my career office told me to put it there. It might be different for industrial and operations engineering majors though, since you basically specialize your degree however way you like once you past first year and a half.
You can go “operations and finance route” where you strictly take classes in decision making, optimization, operations modeling, derivative pricing, corporate finance
or you can go “traditional industrial engineering and ergonomics” where you learn about human factors and ergonomics.</p>
<p>Obviously most employers only ask for transcripts at the end for verification, they really have no idea what you did with your IOE degree…just my guess</p>
<p>In regards to relevant coursework, most HR/analysts wont frown upon it. Its perfectly fine to have 1-2 lines to show that you have some relevant knowledge (especially if you arent a BBA/finance major). Just make sure that you limit it to RELEVANT work-- no one really cares about courses like micro/macroeconomics; and make sure you are listing the advanced courses, not the into level ones.</p>
<p>As someone else said, listing programming languages is good. Any office product is a given and usually doesn’t even need to be listed.</p>
<p>If you have an objective listed, get rid of it. Your applying to a specific position, so they know what your objective is. Your cover letter should convey your objective, not your resume.</p>
<p>I also would recommend that you do NOT put a “skills” section. Your skills should be integrated within the rest of your resume and should be apparent without having a skills section.</p>
<p>I agree–listing significant coursework is fine if you haven’t had at least three internships already.</p>
<p>Think about what you want to sell–are you good at spreadsheets?, pitch sheets?, organization?, interfacing with others?, innovative ideas?, taking initiative?, being a great presenter?, building business relationships?, tying in financial analysis with business decisions?, etc.–then list these in your resume and try to back them up with examples of where you have demonstrated these traits–preferably with business results, but if not, then with examples from your schoolwork or extracurricular activities.</p>
<p>Employers want people that get results and get along with others and that motivate people towards goals–show that you have all three–and the job will be yours.</p>