What are the available Five-Year Bachelor's/Master's Degrees at Virginia Tech?

<p>What are the available Five-Year Bachelor's/Master's Degrees at Virginia Tech?</p>

<p>I read and heard that there's a Computer Science and an Engineering one. Is there any other such programs? Perhaps one in Education or Biology/Chemistry?</p>

<p>I can’t find anything outside of Engineering (CS is in Engineering.)</p>

<p>In Architecture you have the 5 year B. Arch. and the 5 year B. Landscape Arch.</p>

<p>Accounting 152-hour program.</p>

<p>All I know are engineering ones, you need a minimum gpa of 3.5 and tons of credit hours per semester the entire time though and that is a very hard thing to pull off unless all you do is eat, sleep and study (I’m not even kidding).</p>