What are the benefits of EE and Math double major

<p>Here’s the CC searches that I did before I posted this: </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/13482120/#Comment_13482120”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/13482120/#Comment_13482120</a></p>

<p>This link asked why OP (I think) wants to double major but didn’t get a detailed response.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1612780-changing-majors-will-i-be-okay.html”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1612780-changing-majors-will-i-be-okay.html</a></p>

<p>The answer was geared mostly to a business-inclined student (assuming because he is in Stem-MBA) and CS.</p>

<p>I am an incoming freshman. I really like math but I never had a formal class on electricity and magnetism… my high school physics class, which does not have AP, did not reach E&M. I really want to do math… but I’m worried about job prospects…yet I don’t know if I want to enter the workforce immediately…I might want to do research… but how do i figure what I want to do so i will be more appropriately prepared when I enter college</p>

<p>Will getting a double major help at all? Also, can i be an ME/ChemE/(otherEngineering) and math double major? </p>

<p>(I think I’m only entering UA with 1 ap english credit and 1 ap calc credit, will I be able to double major in 4 years? Does the Pres. scholarship require I finish in four years… and what happens when a student does not finish in 4?) </p>

<p>You can double in EE and math rather easily:</p>

<p><a href=“Double Major in Math – Electrical and Computer Engineering | The University of Alabama”>http://ece.eng.ua.edu/undergraduate/double-major-in-math/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Will it help? Hard to say. As long as you can handle the work, it can’t hurt. Presidential scholarship covers 4 years. If you take longer, you pay.</p>

<p>I dont think it is necessary, but if you love math, why not do a minor?</p>

<p>My older son was a math major, my younger son was a chem Engg major. Both majors, like EE, are very time consuming. I dont know if you would really have the time to do all the upper division courses for the math major with engg. You may have room in your course schedule, but not in your life to do all that is needed.</p>

<p>younger son had minors in math, chem and bio with his ChemE degree, but that is mostly because he had a lot of AP credits and he was premed. The combo of premed and ChemE and AP credits made the minors easier to attain.</p>

<p>@‌ m2ck </p>

<p>Because minoring in math only requires like 1 or 2 classes beyond EE. TBH, I really don’t know the difference between majoring and minoring… I was looking at Chardo’s link before I made this thread… UA already had a mathemetics double major so i was wondering like if anyone is actually doing it and does it help… </p>

<p>I think the option is a great one. The question I have no clue about is whether or not it is easily accomplished in 4 yrs when you really aren’t entering with a lot of credits. </p>

<p>One word of caution I do have we heard from the dean of one of the other schools ds was seriously considering. Ds wants a phD in physics and during this interview was only speaking in terms of doubling in math and physics. (If ds drops any major it will be EE, bc his hear is not in it like math and physics.). Anyway, the dean provided this cautionary tale. He had a sr that yr who was doubling in math and physics that wanted a phD in physics. The student’s math GPA was a 4.0 and his physics was something like a 3.8. He was not accepted into any of the grad programs he applied to bc the interviewers were not convinced that physics was his #1 priority as indicated by his GPA. </p>

<p>That was something ds had never thought about and I am glad the dean shared the story.</p>