<p>I am applying to the following schools and i would like you to give me the chance that I get into at least one of these schools. (and then chance me for each one individually)</p>
<p>Brown (Econ)
Cornell (AEM)
UPenn (Wharton Marketing)
Yale (Econ)
Columbia (Econ)
Harvard (Econ)</p>
<p>I have no interest in Dartmouth and Princeton.</p>
White Male
Georgia Resident
Competitive Public High School</p>
ACT: 34 Superscore, 33 Highest One-Sitting (10 writing)
SAT Subject Tests: Math Level II (780), Literature (780)</p>
GPAs: Unweighted 3.89, Weighted 4.25 (Upward Trend: 3.7, 3.9, 4.2, 4.63)
Advanced Courses:
AP English Literature (A)
AP English Language (A)
AP Psychology (A)
AP European History (A)
DE Statistics (A)
DE Calculus (A)
DE Economics (A)
Honors Conceptual Physics (B)
Honors French I-III (A,A,A)
Honors English I (A)
Honors English II (A)
Honors Algebra I (B)
Honors Algebra II (A)
Honors Geometry (B)
Honors PreCalculus (A)</p>
- DECA 3 Time State Champion, Region Champion, International Qualifier
- Peer Mentoring Committee Leader (Responsible for acclimating the new freshman to the high school environment by serving as a mentor and keeping regular communication with them)
- Leader and Organizer/Planner for Local Community a Service Effort (I am responsible for coordinating volunteer retreats and serving as a leader when on-site at the volunteer locations)
- Online College Courses (Analyzing Global Trends for Business and Society, Introduction for Marketing), Certificate of Completion with Distinction in both)
- Founder of online non-profit that provides free emotional counseling to teens
- Club Basketball (4 years, several awards for performance)
- FBLA member
- National Honor Society Inductee, Member
- Hundreds of community service hours (several organizations)
- 2 years electric guitar lessons before beginning rigorous self-study, 2 years clarinet lessons
- Mixed Media art (hobby - 15 hr./week)</p>
My essays are great. I have put in a great amount of effort.</p>
I have one from the teacher of my business courses (DECA advisor)
I have one from my French professor (PHD in linguistics)</p>
<p>They should be great. As should my counselor recommendation.</p>