What are the twilight tours ar Bryn Mawr like?

<p>D is deciding between doing a regular tour or one of the twilight tours at Bryn Mawr (We are working on figuring out what will work best in scheduling.), but we (ok…I) wondered what is involved in a twilight tour. In our area there are some twilight and nighttime tours nearby, but they are ghost tours…not my D’s thing at all. lol Is the twilight tour something along those lines? I would think they’d mention that, but since that’s all I am familiar with for twilight tours, it made me wonder.<br>
I want D to have a good impression, and a ‘spooky’ introduction wouldn’t be the best way to do that. :wink: </p>

<p>I think the twilight tours are usually offered in connection with overnight stays/evening events for prospective students to attend. It’s the general campus tour but later in the afternoon so you get a different perspective on campus. I love walking around campus in the evening when the castles are all lit up. </p>

<p>Thank you @englishivy. Yes, it is a part of an overnight program they are having. D is looking forward to it! </p>