What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

There are “pee bags” you can purchase on Amazon for traveling. I have heard that they actually work pretty well and have good odor control:

@abasket I’ve tried similar products but for females they require standing or strange contortions to get in position and avoid spills. Read the questions before you buy…

I haven’t used them myself but someone I know has. Not sure what brand/variety they used as a family. I do see that there are male or female versions…

I think these 14 day quarantine orders for out of state visitors need rethinking. In Maine, 17% of homes are second homes. And in the communities where those second homes tend to be, the merchants make up to 30% of their income for the entire year from June to September. If those homeowners, not to mention the short-term tourists, aren’t allowed to spend their money, there will be no tourist industry left.

So what I propose is first, that year rounders help out the people arriving from out of state. (We did this for our New York neighbors when they fled to their Maine house). Offer to shop while they are quarantined. Check in from a safe, masked distance to see if they need anything.

Second, maybe there can be one designated healthy family member from the out of state people who can go out and shop, picking up stuff from restaurants, stores, etc. Or stores could have special hours for out of staters who are still within the 14 day period.

Yes, these are not perfect ideas, but I just don’t see how the economy can survive in tourist destinations if states are too strict with the quarantine rules. And as I’ve said before, people will suffer no matter what. There is no optimal answer that anyone has the wisdom to implement at this point.

@abasket, we have used something similar. Basically, they are bags filled with the same superabsorbent gel used in baby diapers. You have to hold them upright until the gel absorbs the liquid. Way better for men (of course!) than women, but a lot less nasty than a Depends, I imagine.

If there were fast reliable testing, then those found not-infected could be released from quarantine before the 14 days are up.

@MaineLonghorn What do Mainers think of the governor and the OOS quarantine? Does she address the fact that the Maine economy needs those visitors?

Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin are what keep their towns afloat. Bowdoin seems very worried about Brunswick and, on the video town halls, students are always asking about the local businesses and how they are doing.

Is there any word of the governor lifting the 14 day quarantine idea sooner than the end of August? I would think there’d be full out protests about that.

Does anyone else know which other states require this? I can’t seem to find any sort of updated list.

My husband is still traveling by car to a clinic 4.5 hours away 3 times a month. He drinks something most of his drive, so what goes in, must come out! He has decided the best stops are at a hotel as the bathrooms should be cleaner and used less. We are Marriott members, so he will stop at a Fairfield Inn if one is nearby. Before COVID, the stops would be at Chick-fil-a; he could then get a drink also.

Last weekend he had to stop twice at bad truck stops; I made him shower when he got home just in case he was exposed. Actually, we have decided he needs to do so anyway since he was in the clinic, to avoid exposing me.

Are fast food restaurants allowing patrons inside to use the restroom?

Are a lot of roadside motels open?

I’m thinking about the practicalities of a road trip.

Maybe we should start a “State Day Trips” thread. So day trip traveling that can be done in one day without a lodging stay. People can list their state, region and make suggestions for doable stops, dining and such even with state SD limitations.

That may be all we get for awhile! The perfect “day trip” vacation.

@homerdog, just like on CC, opinions about the governors’ actions are all over the map. “Open everything!” Here’s what a state rep wrote on her Facebook page after I disagreed with her post stating how bad it was the restrictions were being enforced:

<<<if her="" lockdown="" weren’t="" so="" restrictive,="" there="" wouldn’t="" be="" many="" “offenders.”="" encouraging="" people="" to="" rat="" out="" neighbors="" and="" locally="" owned="" businesses="" is="" a="" new="" low="" it="" no="" exaggeration="" say="" sounds="" like="" what="" happened="" in="" germany="" the="" 30’s.="" if="" someone="" feels="" unsafe="" or="" vulnerable,="" they="" should="" stay="" home.="" i="" am="" surprised="" you="" aren’t="" more="" concerned="" about="" mental="" health="" implications="" of="" this="" continued="" lockdown,="" not="" mention="" economic="" disaster="" that="" has="" already="" unleashed.="">>>

I’m rather upset, to put it mildly, that she invoked Germany as well as mental illness, since she knows about my son. I will not be voting for this person again.

On the other hand, a lot of Mainers feel the governor is doing the right thing by being restrictive. OF COURSE everyone, including the governor, knows how devastating the 14-day quarantine is for the state economy. Experts are predicting a $1.2 billion deficit shortfall next year. :frowning: But we had 35 million visitors in 2018!! We could get flooded with people, and even if a small percentage is infected, it will not be good.

I have the feeling she’s going to cave in somewhat - she’s making an “important announcement” at 2 pm.

@MaineLonghorn thanks for the update. I’ll be tuning in at 2:00! I understand that Maine wants to keep it’s Covid case low. Almost no states have this quarantine though. People from here in Chicago have been going to their second homes in MI and WI on and off during this whole thing. I think Maine is overreacting a bit but maybe the feeling is different out there because Maine’s OOS visitors are mostly from the tri-state area where the virus has been most active.

I think the hard part about day trips is the dining part. Restaurants are still only open for carry out in my area and it seems hit or miss what’s open or not. I think I’d be tempted to pack a cooler and picnic at my destination.

@homerdog they moved the press conference to noon!! It’s on right now. Ugh.

I’m really impressed with Southwest right now. I’m on a flight from Oakland to Seattle, only four passengers on the entire 737. The crew is so professional and positive, even with just a few of us here. The captain came back and talked to each of us for awhile before the flight. I admired a flight attendants handmade mask, and she gave me an extra one that her friend had made. I feel very safe flying right now, the airplanes are spotless and everyone is social distancing.

I checked my scheduled SW flights but they were about 50% booked. Making me nervous!


And practice at home. A LOT.

I use a product called P-style.

I’ve used it on solo road trips when the restroom options seemed creepy, above tree line in the mountains, or when hiking in winter & it’s hard to find cover.

Every year, I threaten to put one in my kids Xmas stocking.

that p-style is funny. but looks so practical! I might get one for my sis who takes tons of hikes. certainly not a glamorous present though!

My family loves to travel, but we have cancelled every single planned vacation. The reason is fairly simple. My mom asked an expert on their professional opinion on travel for the summer, but they strongly advised against it. The reason is that when everyone starts doing things like this and believing they are safe from the virus, there will be a major spike. I also know someone that almost died from the Corona virus and she is still social distancing due to fear of reinfection. I highly recommend staying home and having fun house activities. Its safe and easy to prevent yourself from catching the sickness.

One of my kids will be making a 16 hour drive sometime in the next two weeks. She is a HCW so we think she will be able to find a hotel for one night if she doesn’t drive straight through. She will pack food and water, and pillows so she can sleep in her car if necessary.

Bathroom stops are a bit of a a concern. We suggested the hotels on the route…with an explanation why she is traveling (she has a letter she can show).

For some people, these drives are unavoidable. This is one of those cases.