What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

I would love to see some research on the risks of using a rest stop restroom. I think managing the fomite risks wouldn’t be any harder than anywhere else in public. Ventilation and crowding issues would vary widely I suppose. But even pre-covid I found them cleaner in general than gas stations. And often with better ventilation.

Out of all the options of bathroom breaks discussed, I would prefer to pull off the side of the road and find a tree.

After all the concern about the drive, it’s likely that my lad won’t be going to CA after all. He got an email yesterday saying they’re looking at redoing the test perhaps as telehealth/online. They’ll get back to him the end of May.

Glad we didn’t make reservations this past week. (The lad was finishing an online class and quite busy.) It was on our To Do list for today.

I doubt one can catch the virus from a toilet seat. (But I might spray Lysol on it and wipe it down beforehand). It’s the air I’d worry about. So the single seat bathrooms in most gas stations would seem to be safer than the larger restrooms at a rest stop. You’d be in there by yourself.

To travel to S & DIL, a 7 hour drive, we take alot of state roads that don’t have rest stops. I’m concerned that my only option will be gas stations or Depends, neither of which appeals to me. At this point, it’ll be awhile before we make that trip anyway.

I have a trip to Mexico that was we cancelled at the beginning of May that we have until the end of the year “credit” I think to use. Are any airlines giving you your money back? This was as part of a vacation package from Costco. We got the hotel part back.It is American airlines.


Delta refunded our money (well…it’s in the process but a refund was approved). BUT our flights were cancelled.

Most airlines are giving vouchers good through 2022.

Or wait to see if American cancels your flight. I think if they cancel, you have a better chance for a refund than if you cancel first. My opinion, not based on experience .

I was able to get D’s money refunded to her credit card on three different airlines. Delta, United and American. In two cases, the flight was cancelled.

Honestly I’d feel better about taking 30 seconds on the side of the road behind a bush in nature than to maneuver a rest stop or whatever. Your travel companion is put on people watch. Wear a dress to travel, have a pack of baby wipes. 30 seconds and you are back in your car and on your way. Done and done. :slight_smile:

There are few bushes in the desert. :wink:

When the kids were toilet training and there was no rest stop in sight, we’d pull over to the side of the road and open both the front and back passenger doors. Kid would squat between the doors (for privacy). If necessary, kid could rest the back part of his/her bum on the bottom part of the back door. This would work for us older “kids” as well…

There is more info that the virus can be in the water droplets from a flush with no lid. I think a larger rest stop where you don’t need to follow directly after someone may be better than a gas station with just one. Otherwise they say you need to let several minutes go by for all droplets to disperse.

Hikers tip: hide behind an open umbrella set on the ground.

As a distance runner, I have made more bathroom stops behind bushes, walls, parked cars, shrubs, car doors etc… The travel stop issue doesn’t concern me at all, although I would be OK with a clean highway rest stop. Hand washing and not touching face. Flush and run. I had a running friend who called himself “Sideyard Sanders”- any yard but your own!

DD and I had SAME cancelled Delta flight. I got a refund w no problem, They would not give her a refund, only voucher. ??? I can be more intimidating --but I didn’t have to be on my call. Have no clue why the difference other than luck of the draw? If you’re told no, call back.

Travels usually make me not think about my work.

Yesterday I received an email survey from Xanterra asking a lot of questions about upcoming travel plans for this year and next year and what factors are weighing in on decisions.

@midwest, I think we got that same survey, from Yellowstone. (I thin Xanterra is their food, etc. provider). I may have deleted - can’t remember.

Wyoming’s state park campgrounds will be for Wyoming residents only this year.

Airline travel is actually quite pleasant now. It’s going to be hard to go back to normal when this is over.

After you get used to the fact that there is almost no food or drink on the flights, you wear a mask much of the time, you’re careful about touching your face, restaurants are mostly closed, flying is really quite stress free.

No lines for anything, little traffic, no security lines, no middle seats (mostly). No crabby flight attendants or gate agents, some places you can actually sit down in a restaurant and eat. Flights leave on time or early, no delays, no holding for traffic or your gate. Now that I’m used to the new normal, this is actually pretty nice.