What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

We had no set travel plans when all you-know-what broke loose. Just a vague notion of a trip to CA at some point over the summer to see our only son (we are in FL). The fact that we have no idea the next time we will see our son face-to-face weighs heavily on me. I hate not having that to look forward to. I know many of you are in the same situation with family spread out across the country.

I am also sad for ds. He had already been approved for an 8-week unpaid leave that is allowed by his company. He planned to take that in Sept-Nov and do some significant international traveling. We had also talked about using a week of that for a family vacation. I feel 100% certain that neither of those things will be happening now. I am thankful that he has already had the opportunity to do significant international travel, but I know he is disappointed. He is young and single, and it is the ideal time in his life to seize this opportunity.

We will still go somewhere for our August wedding anniversary (32 years). We go somewhere on every anniversary. Often we choose places few know about - the small museum in a rural area or similar. This year we’re thinking somewhere with a body of water we can kayak on and set the tent up next to - within driving distance.

Wherever we go, it will be a last minute decision. That’s happened pre-Covid too, so nothing new for us.

Wish me luck. I have to fly next week.

The Grand Canyon is opening on what appears to be a three day trial period to prepare for Memorial Day. The entrance will be open only from 6am to 10am for day use only. No lodging or dining. There will be limited places only, mostly overlooks.

^That will be interesting. Tourists tend to clump together at the Canyon.

Yes, tourists will clump together if the overlooks are open but not the trails.

I also foresee cars lining up in the wee hours of the morning to get in, creating other issues.

It was only last week they announced they will remain closed along with Zion and Yosemite. I wonder if it will stay not crowded with overseas travel still limited.

It really is the SAR guys that are going to be stressed by opening up of state and national parks, the people that might not normally be hikers (heck, walkers LOL) are usually very poorly prepared. I would much prefer to see people told that they sure can do their hiking but that there will be no SAR.

@Sybylla. Reminds me when my husband and son decided to walk all the way to the bottom of the Canyon and back in one day, disregarding all the huge signs that tell you not to do that. Fortunately, they were well-prepared with lots and lots of water, but it was challenging, even so. I was so furious (they were supposed to walk only halfway down and then back up, but they saw the river and kept going…).

Yosemite is closed through May 22. After that they will re-evaluate. I read somewhere (likely one of my Yosemite Facebook groups) that the High Sierra Camps will be closed all season as will White Wolf Lodge. In the valley, there will be no shuttle service for the rest of 2020. There will be half of the tent cabins opening at Curry Village. Yosemite Lodge will be open with limited dining. The Ahwahnee will be open but the dining room will be for hotel guests only. The Wawona was closed this season anyway for maintenance.

Actually, with reduced visitation and no bus tours, if I could get a reservation in or just outside the park this could be ideal.

I am definitely planning on visiting Acadia this summer, whether anyone else in my family goes with me or not! Bar Harbor without hordes of tourists, whoo hoo.

@TatinG - my ds and his friends had gotten the lottery to do Half Dome at the end of June before this mess all started. Guessing that won’t happen for them. I’m not sure it would be wise even if it were possible, as they haven’t been doing any hiking, and I imagine they are not in the best shape.

Related to travel…because it IS…the university I work for announced no travel for staff/faculty for FY21. Wow, that just seems like a severe and abrupt announcement.

This currently means both domestic and international. $$$ is one reason, health caution is another.

It’s good to know where he thinks he got infected. It helps the rest of us make decisions. For me, I wouldn’t consider flying to be “taking every precaution” regardless of wearing a mask, or even covering my eyes. Too risky.

, got infected despite taking every precaution<<<<


Apart from, you know, flying on a plane to a hot spot? That is throwing caution to the wind LOL. It really undermines any credibility. He claims to have used max precautions, other than the bit about the airport, the plane, getting to and from those places. No wonder the public rolls their eyes.

My D will be applying for a postdoc position come September. I wonder what that means for her job hunting.

Depending on her field, there is still plenty of hiring going on. If PIs have grant money to burn, they hire postdocs. Interviews are done virtually.

Our domestic travel is suspended until at least June. I suspect we will open it up a little later in the summer.

I am traveling this weekend on Southwest. 90 minute, hopefully uncrowded flight. I’ll report back. I am nervous, but have a real need to make this trip and am generally comfortable with the risk.

In her field, interviews are usually giving a talk at a seminar in person. Give a talk on line?

How long did it take them each way?