What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

In addition to what @MADad said the app will also ask you for your travel plans (dates, location, etc.) but you can’t enter that info in until within 72 hours of your trip.

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Heads up. I did read that you need to make sure you download the newest ArriveCAN app which was recently released. The older one asks for more info than the new one.

5% of travellers are randomly selected,

So I earlier wondered about “what if you ignore the e-mail”? From comments I read I other forums I gather you get multiple “threatening robo calls from the government”. And there were people who did day trips to Canada, got selected and now no idea if they should send in a test or not (they don’t want to be on some “list” since they want to return.)


well I think at this point I would pass on Canada if it was on my list to visit , and postpone. This sounds like a mess.

Our next trip is late Oct to Belize. mostly outdoors so feel confident. In the past three years in Oct we have done Cabo, Costa Rica, now Belize. I really want to go to Italy, but hopefully next year.

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You are subject to random testing if flying in or driving in. I’m not sure how they are finding all the positive cruise passengers, but they are.

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This stinks. We thought about a Clipper weekend trip to BC, but with this random testing it just does not sound too appealing.

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We are doing mostly travel where we can do a lot of outdoor activities. I know a travel agent who says they have seen a huge uptick of travelers purchasing trip insurance in case they get sick or there are COVID shutdowns, etc. Before COVID most travelers didn’t sign up for travel insurance unless they had a sick spouse or something that might conflict with travel, but now almost everyone signs up for it…

A neighbor just posted this:

This happened to me several times. Finally, when speaking with the individual online who was observing the testing, I mentioned that I had only been in Canada for 7 hours. She told me you don’t have to do the test unless you are in Canada for 24 hours or more. Same thing happened when my husband was given the test. I then went on to the ArriveCan website and did an Exit Canada form to confirm I had not been across for more than a few hours. After completing that online form, I received a “Successful” response and have crossed the border several time since with no problems.


Just wondering if anyone has any great car rental discount codes for next year, specifically for Grand Cayman if that matters.
I know @jpga13 posted one earlier, but it doesn’t seem to work for me.


Can’t believe I am saying this, but we booked a 7-day cruise (US, west coast) for November. I’ve seen predictions that the anticipation is that Covid numbers will have dropped by fall, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. We have been super careful and have managed to stay Covid free so far but it’s starting to feel like maybe this is the beginning of the endemic phase and we have all got to learn to live with it. We did purchase travel insurance (first time ever) in case we have to cancel, so will see how things feel in the fall.


H is with FIL now assisting with some medical appointments. FIL is still raving about our recent train trip to the GC and Pacific. I told H we currently have October unscheduled… ask FIL what else he wants to see and I’ll see if it’s do-able.

I don’t know if FIL will take us up on it or not. Time will tell. There’s less daylight than in June, but there should also be fewer travelers I would think - except maybe at leaf-peeping locations.


You might want to bring some over the counter medications just in case, especially if you are traveling far. Since Covid is endemic, not having had it means you are are going to get it just a matter of when. My oldest had been exposed many times and never got it. Even flew to Europe and back with no issues.

A few weeks ago, working out at the free Planet Fitness summer thing kid picked it up. Not an awful case. But was sick for a few days.

So, we are mostly packed and ready to leave on our cross-country adventure. We have a “Covid box” with tests, masks and meds. When H became symptomatic and tested positive on Memorial Day weekend away from home, we realized we hadn’t prepared for that option. All our other test runs were local or a quick drive home. In our overprepared way, my typed itinerary lists the cancellation deadline for every place we’re staying, so if we have to hunker down, we’re not losing lots of $$.

H found Nyquil, Mucinex and ibuprofen helped with symptoms. He’s one of those lucky people who can sleep away an illness.


My primary care NP recommended Mucinex, Sudafed, and ibuprofen. My travel agent also recommended Immodium AD. We’re heading to Germany, Switzerland and Austria next month, all covid hotspots, on a bus tour with 40 strangers. I made lists of inexpensive apartments, near grocery stores and restaurants, along our route in case we get kicked off the bus.

Great idea. We had been planning to bring Covid tests with us, but will also bring some OTC medicine.

Do you know if the tour will be doing regular testing? The reason I ask is my sister went on a biking tour, one person got sick but never said she had Covid. She was well enough to continue with the trip, but she also infected 70% of people. No one got really sick. They all continued with the trip. I am just wondering what’s your tour’ protocol.
I will be going on a small group tour (15 people) next spring. I am going to ask the tour guide.

By next spring, I think the downsides for the tour company (people not booking because of the risk they won’t be able to go/complete the tour, or simply the challenge of having to deal with positive cases) will outweigh the upsides (other people feeling more comfortable). If there isn’t a legal requirement to test or isolate, it becomes a commercial decision for the tour company.

In reading reviews, I found one that mentioned testing positive on the second round of testing and leaving the tour. Our travel agent said most people are trying to treat the symptoms and hope not to be tested, so they can complete the tour, “However, I’m not recommending that course of action.”

We did a 6 day bike tour last October, and are doing another this August (in the US). They made us prove we were vaccinated, but didn’t test us on the tour. As far as we know, nobody from the tour got COVID.

This variant seems to be highly contagious, we got it traveling. I think at the airport/on airplane. Got through two years not getting it not sure if vaccination helps or not.


Of course vaccination helps. This has been studied extensively. Vaccinated individuals are far less likely to get severely ill.

I have underlying conditions. I now have Covid. I’m pretty sure that the vaccine has kept me from getting really really sick. I’m just “under the weather.” I will take that as opposed to being in the hospital with severe problems any day of the week. I have zero regrets on taking the vaccine.