What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

While I’m here. . . In July my family took a cruise to Alaska. My son (9 years old) had the sniffles one morning and the crew members at the kids club suggested he get tested. We did and he was negative. So was my entire family. But the ship surgeon required him to isolate for 24 hours because he had Covid symptoms, meaning a runny nose. Fortunately, it was a sea day and he had the best time ordering room service and playing games with one of us.

The day after we got home, my wife got incredibly sick. Tested positive for Covid, so into isolation for her. Next day it was me. Day after that, my daughter. My son, who had the sniffles, didn’t get Covid.

No moral to this story. Just thought it was funny and odd.


Frankly I am personally insulted by the phrase “living our lives” and any/all variations thereof.

Those phrases began soon after Covid lockdowns and have yet to die down. They truly are insulting, and if you don’t understand why, then they’re probably phrases you use.

I am alive, therefore I am living my life.

Go forth and travel/hang out, whatever… unprotected or protected. But if you’re feeling unwell please don’t pretend it’s something else. Get tested immediately. And test again 3 days later. And don’t hop on a plane/bus/train when feeling unwell because it’s inconvenient to stay put until you feel well again.

If you are in a line or whatever, keep your distance. I hated people breathing down my back for 60 years before Covid days. Personal space should always be considered - not just during Covid days.

Are the mods gonna say I’m out of line? I hope not. I will say this isn’t the first time I’ve said these things but if required for the board, it will be the last.

I’m not even Christian and I know the Golden Rule Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. . . .” This rule of conduct is a summary of the Christian’s duty to his neighbour and states a fundamental [ethical] principle.


Glad you were able to enjoy your vacation as a family.

And it’s much easier to recover once you are home, so I’m happy that your symptoms started after you got home from your vacation.

It’s really not helpful to speculate. I did ask everyone not to argue here. It’s often a self-answering question. :wink:

This sort of phrasing tends to turn up the heat on conversations. It makes it, well, personal. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t directed at me, but, well, I was the last person to post and it was about some fairly risky behavior (going on a cruise). So maybe it was directed at me? You see how this can create misunderstanding.


Funny story. I was visiting my brother in Washington. We were careful to isolate, but I gotta say I was worried we’d infect his family. Thankfully (and no doubt all of us being vaccinated helped) his family didn’t get it.

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Deleted. It’s not worth arguing.

I’d really like to NOT have this thread closed because people are arguing, and not about travel…
Could you do that in another thread?


This thread was helpful in 2020 and 2021 but for the past few months it us vs them with very little useful information so it might as well get closed


Respectfully disagree. :slight_smile: We are still in the tail end of Covid fallout. This thread is still helping people navigate the travel mess.


Summer Travel Log for my recent college graduate:

Flight to Europe and visits to 5 European countries and multiple sight-seeing excursions, flight back stateside to college hometown (DC), flight to North Carolina to watch family friend in a musical, trip back home (Metro Atlanta), flight to Ohio (2 weeks) to complete some research from last summer, flight to Texas (1 week) to visit family (2 members of that family tested positive for Covid a day after arrival but my kid never tested positive during trip despite playing directly in a pool for 3 hours with positive 4 year old on 1st day in town), flight back home, trip to UGA for a week to visit friends, trip back to DC to help move brother into dorm, and a flight to move into apartment in new Graduate school city this week. Masked in high density settings (parties, planes, etc) or any mandatory mask settings. Saw less and less masks from general public as the summer continued.

Summer Travel Log for my Parent:

Multiple trips to summer beach house in own vehicle about 90 minutes from home base. (No flights or ant eating out in public since Pandemic began). Masked in all settings outside of home.

Both Grandchild and Grandparent enjoyed their summer despite different styles of doing so.


My friend just had a nightmare travel situation. Had a land tour planned in Alaska right before a cruise. The cruise was a compromise with the family but all she wanted was the land tour. Well monday Mother Nature laughed at her. There was a ground stop at the airport and the backlog caused her crew to time out, so no east coast to Alaska flight. She figured that even a day late, at least maybe there was some way to “catch up”. She was sitting on the plane for about 4 hours and then once it was cancelled and rebooked they would not return her luggage .
So of course yesterday she flies out, but the luggage did not. There is only one flight a day to Alaska. (this is on United). So now she is stuck waiting for her luggage and no land tour. She says she has nothing. Now even if I checked bag, I always have some clothes, toiletries, etc in a carry on.
Another story of luggage issues and crews timing out and not finding other crew.
I fly to Belize at the end of Oct. I can likely get away with a carry on, but if there is a chance of weather in the area, I will fly out earlier.
Oh on Sunday when I talked to her, I told her because of the chance of storms, I would get on any flight to Pacific West coast and take it from there. Much better odds.

I was on United Monday. Flight was delayed for two hours…and of course we switched gates at DIA gates not even remotely close to each other. We arrived here about 1:45 a.m. and then had a 45 minute drive home. Yawn! Only one flight from Denver to here each day so we were happy the plane flew!

No checked bags.

Having a checked bag can severely limit travel options when a plane is cancelled. Even if you could catch the next flight sometimes they won’t let you unless you went carry-on and can grab your luggage to go.


Heading on vacation tomorrow. We are worried about the bags getting there. Bought Tiles so we can track the bags, if needed. Spouse has decided to wear a mask, he’s the only one who never got Covid in our family. My spouse wanted to take one of those buses that take you to the airport. Ah, no way I’m getting on a bus pre-vacation. Not even the shuttle bus that takes you from long term parking to the airport.
Hoping for the best. This will be our first family vacation since 2019.


A friend just got his luggage after a three week delay. And this was on a direct flight. Oh the stories the suitcase could tell :wink:

After not traveling for over a year due to covid concerns, DH and I figured out what works for our comfort levels. For now, all trips are in our own car. No planes, public buses, cruise ships, etc. We only eat take out or outside when we can distance from others. We spend most vacation time outside. We go into some museums and stores masked, but avoid large crowds. So we wouldn’t go into some of the very large museums or aquariums that are very well known, but have found some interesting smaller museums. We have had some great trips, seeing things we would have skipped on prior vacations. We will get on planes and cruise ships again some day, but given the issues of lost luggage and canceled flights, ports, and ship excursions, I don’t regret our choice for now.


I will be wearing mask in airplane on my next trip. I hope the plane will not be packed.


I could be wrong but my sense is that most flights ARE packed because there are less flights scheduled/available to choose from. Plus cancellations that are adding passengers on if there is any seat availability.


Maybe, but last year it wasn’t packed. My husband and I were able to lay down. But I have no choice, the same flight that I booked last year is not on radar anymore.

Mr. B and I have traveled quite a bit during the past couple of years, and other than one infamous “private jet” flight from Honolulu on T-day of 2020, planes were quite full. I gather that they are even more packed now with more demand and fewer flights to meet that demand.

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