What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

@mom60, I have never in my life wanted a travel trailer, but now I can imagine wanting a tiny, lightweight pod of one…sort of 50’s style. If easily pull-able and not too gas-guzzling, I’d bet stock in these would soar. Imagine, freedom from hotels in the age of Covid! I love tent-camping but there are times when a tent won’t do and a hotel is kind of scary.

We actually have a small travel trailer like you are describing. It has a small bathroom and kitchen setup. You still generally use the “real” showers at the campgrounds, which might still be an issue. It isn’t going to get me to the Virgin Islands, though!

I’m traveling a lot right now for work, and there’s some things going on that passengers are not going to like. I hope this doesn’t carry over to when the general public starts traveling again. The carriers are doing this, I suspect, just because they can, and the people who are traveling probably don’t have many options, with the huge numbers of flight cancellations. Some of the flight attendants seem to have a really bad attitude. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I think.

Food? Ha, forget it. Coast to coast 5+ hour flight in first class. Provided a bottle of water and a choice of chips, cookies or nuts (online it was indicated lunch was provided).

Airline upgraded all the non-revs and packed first class, so the only paying passenger in first class moved back to coach (which had only one other passenger).

137 passengers in a 737 Newark to DFW, middle seats utilized. The hypocrisy of cramming people together on a flight while instructing them to social distance six feet while boarding is rather striking.

Many flight crews are not wearing masks and are congregating in groups. It appears to me that many have given up on any attempt to social distance when they can.

Eight high fare paying passengers in business class on an international flight. All moved up to the first three rows, given a snack bag and a bottle of water and ignored for the rest of the flight. These are $4500 one way tickets, mind you. Flight attendants spent the flight in the back of business class watching movies and sleeping, while cooking hot meals and brewing coffee for themselves.

@inthegarden I watched Shark Tank the other day and they have this business updating your regular van/SUV and make a living space out of it (Bed, sink, etc.) for around 15K each.

Never in a million years I would do this - I love hotel living way too much. But it was soooo tempted during SIP.

I sent my lung doc a text asking him about me and H possibly attending a medical conference in Chicago this November. He thinks too soon and told me to hold off.

Do you mean this article (in German on a web site in Italy, but looks like it can be translated reasonably into English by web translator sites)?


From the English translation, it is not encouraging. It would be better to know how common long term damage is from COVID-19 infections, but it seems that there is little public or media interest in that.

We hadn’t made any specific travel plans, but were looking at doing a European cruise. I don’t know when, if ever, I’d feel comfortable getting on a cruise.

We have a family wedding in FL in Jan. Not sure how I"ll feel about getting on a plane, renting a car, staying in a hotel, let alone attending a wedding. And what if the virus surges in the fall/winter?

The first trip we’ll probably try is a 7 hour car trip to see S1 and his family. We can bring food in a cooler, but 1-2 pit stops will be necessary.

Wow @busdriver11 That is not good news. How miserable!

SNL nails it again in this classic epidode… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg5lIpQkoOg

When this came out we were living in Phoenix and our “home town” airline was America West. They were truly, aggressively awful and we were sure this sketch was inspired by their flight attendants.

America West Airlines is now American Airlines.

My 2019 Christmas present was supposed to be a 3 week trip to Hawaii which includes the cruise that goes around the islands. We wanted to go January 2021 (yes…a year later)…but we are very reluctant to make airline and cruise reservations right now…so we are just waiting.

Our travel dates are flexible…and yes, we still plan to do that cruise unless Norwegian goes under.

Son has booked a flight from Boston to Beirut (layover in Barcelona) for June 12. I’m not happy, but I have no say in the matter. Our contact in Beirut said he wouldn’t let HIS son make that trip now, due to the political unrest plus virus threat. Sigh.

@MaineLonghorn That is some fierce love and dedication with your son and his gf.

@Nhatrang, yes, he’s definitely smitten. I hope it works out with the young lady. I met her and like her a lot, but I worry.

Maybe - can’t look at it right now as I have to get out to feed the critters. This is the one linked in the other threads:


Probably the same dr sharing his warnings at least. I’d love to know if it was really 6 of 6 overall, or 6 of 6 sharing this problem and X others not having the problem.

@inthegarden our trailer isn’t a cute teardrop but it’s small just 21 ft and lightweight. Is isn’t want it but I humored my H. I told him I would use it on occasion But I wasn’t going to give up international and plane travel. I don’t mind a tent and I love a hotel! Lol the laugh is on me as I dont see air travel happening anytime soon.

@mom60 - H eased me back into camping last fall when we went on our road trip to Yosemite, Sequoia/Kings Canyon and Big Sur. We ended up in hotels for all of the places except Big Sur and spent two nights camping in a tent under the redwoods and slept fantastically!

After some digging, found a reference to Dr. Frank Hartig’s writing in Wetnotes:

https://www.wetnotes.eu/tauchen-nach-covid-19-erkrankung/ (in German)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wetnotes.eu%2Ftauchen-nach-covid-19-erkrankung%2F (translated to English by Google Translate)
http://divemagazine.co.uk/skills/8907-serious-problems-diving-after-covid19 (article that references both of the above and also references an article from the Belgian Society for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine that has additional (cautious) recommendations)

I want my one kid who lives far away to be able to come here for Christmas. Please.

We were driving to/from my in laws’ place every couple weeks until the stuff hit the fan. Their state has just reopened, but we aren’t interested in going yet … and I am sure their assisted living will not open for visitors for awhile. Their 70th anniversary is in mid-June, and we are supposed to go for their party. I am not ready to travel, and I honestly don’t know when I will be. We have to stop for gas, bathroom breaks, food. Their house sold, so even if we drive straight through both ways, we still have to stay in a hotel. I no longer have a desire to travel, sadly.