What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

Thank you for that second article with the Belgian recommendations. It’s definitely something all divers should know before heading to the water if they get the virus. I wonder how dive centers are going to handle it - both for employees and customers.

I want to keep my eyes open for any follow up studies. In the meantime, we’re going to try to avoid the virus as that’s the safest option IMO.

We had started to plan a big international family trip for October which won’t happen. Hard to imagine international travel at this point but we do travel quite a bit so I do think a lot about what we can do domestically. Also, I have a free companion on SWA through June 2021 (was through 2020 until it was recently extended) and I know I won’t earn that benefit again.

So, when travel is permitted, we’ll be flying places domestically on SWA. A couple weeks ago I booked tickets to Maui. Funds easily banked if it doesn’t seem reasonable to go as it gets closer. Austin and San Antonio have been on our wish list for awhile so, while I don’t know when, that’ll be another trip I hope we’re able to make.

I don’t feel overly concerned about traveling domestically, once restrictions are lifted.

I’m not even thinking about traveling.

I just want to be able to see my mom and my kids at some point. All live several states away. Had plans to visit both this spring and both had to unplanned or canceled.


You’d think the airlines would be bending over backwards to treat their first class rev passengers really well. But I have read that the flight attendants (or a group of them) think that no one should be flying.

It is actually a concern for everyone, not just divers. Lung or heart damage can limit one’s ability to do exercise, which is the closest thing to a magic health elixir there is. People who cannot exercise as much as they otherwise would will be more prone to various health problems like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc. that will lead to a shorter life with lower quality of life and higher medical costs for themselves and others.

We will not travel until there is a vaccine. I also fear that this Christmas will be pretty lonely. Both kids live very far away, and not only will it not be safe for them to fly, it won’t be safe for us to host them.

In a way it feels like we are living the secluded life of a nursing home albeit with the amenities of our personal home,

We are rebooking our canceled river cruise (France, March 24) for April 2021. We can only hope things will look a lot better then. If not, we will cancel again.

As mentioned in an earlier post, my brother and his wife are supposed to be flying in from London to meet us in New Orleans in June. Son and wife and daughter and husband were meeting up with us as well.

Currently fliers from Europe are only able to fly into one of 14 airports. NO is not one of them. Till today there was not an option to cancel his flights or get any sort of refund or voucher (only flights up till May 31 had that). Today when he checked again the airline has said that flights up to July 31 are eligible for a voucher good till 2022 (his email said 2022 but I wonder if he meant 2021).

I’m really relieved. We’re not going to make a final decision till closer to when the balance is due on the NO VRBO in mid May (the UK’s next decision on shelter at home and travel restrictions is scheduled for May 7 a few days before the final balance is due). I suspect we won’t be doing the trip in June. I hope the VRBO host is willing to work with us and at least give us a credit for the $800 deposit to be used at a later date. We love the house so would choose it again. If not at least we will only be losing $800 and not the $2600 in plane tickets.

Very sad. It is rare for the 8 of us to be able to get together and I was so looking forward to it.

My kiddo finally accepts the reality that she isn’t travelling to Italy or Greece or Asia this summer. She signed up for online summer classes - 2 upper division courses for her major.

We were supposed to fly to Tblisi and Istanbul this summer to spend time with our expat son, and stop through Germany on the way home to see my niece, her H and their new baby.

United cancelled our itinerary east of Frankfurt, which enabled us to pull everything down without expense. We had booked in early March with FF miles, as there was availability, but knowing we might have to cancel. Hadn’t booked any hotels, etc., thankfully.

I won’t be going anywhere, including to see family, until there’s a vaccine. DH’s fam is in northern NJ, mine are in GA and KY.

@swimcatsmom a number of airlines are extending voucher use two years instead of one…so 2022 is very believable.

I heard that JetBlue will be requiring all passengers to wear masks. I’m not sure when that goes into effect. I would assume, but maybe I shouldn’t, that the flight crew would also be masked. I hope so!

We have a companion pass on SW for 2020 that we haven’t used and probably won’t. They have extended it until June of 2021. I hope we get to use it a little. I mainly want to see family members that are far away. Travel for sightseeing doesn’t seem all that appealing right now but seeing people I love sure does.

Haven’t read the whole thread, but . . . what ever do you mean? Travel? I don’t think I’m leaving my house/neighborhood for at least the next two years. Seriously. I do NOT want to get this virus. The virus is not going away. It will be bubbling up in various locations around the world for the next 10 years. At least. As for vaccines . . . there’s no guarantee of a vaccine. We may have an effective vaccine, or we may never have one. Even if one is developed, what is the prospect of the United States having enough doses and rolling it out effectively? See: coronavirus test-kit debacle.

@brantly , but at some point I’m hoping there will be a very good anti-body test. If you took it and found out you already had it, hopefully that will give you some ease.

DH and I were apart in late Feb… due to work. I was supposed to fly in early April, but we decided to hold off at that time, when both states declared stay at home orders. Too far to drive (36+ hours).

Now I’m quite concerned about flying. No non-stops available any more. I can take precautions, but that is of little benefit if they fill the planes again, and other passengers ,or even flight attendants do not practice safe distancing and masking.

I tried to find out Southwest’s policy on social distancing, and they will not answer my question, but rather keep trying to avoid it with non-answers. Very frustrating! I realize you seat yourself, but if they sell a nearly full flight, because so many flights were cancelled, it will be impossible.

In retrospect, I should have flown in April when planes were empty, but too late of course.

Unfortunately, there’s no information that having been infected with coronavirus confers life-long—or any—immunity. Still waiting on that information.

@kjofkw I have a couple of Facebook friends who are flight attendants. They said even with very few flights operating, planes are almost totally empty.

The Southwest planes I were on were fine - tons of room to spread out. BUT the boarding process hadn’t changed at all, so we were all close together. This was in March, so maybe they’ve improved it? I was not impressed.

Yes, you are right. I went and checked the BA site and the voucher would indeed be good through April 2022

It would be nice if SWA would go ahead and let passengers select their seat at the time of booking, and block off the center seats. If they want people to start flying again, they need to convince us they have our best interests at heart.

I’m conflicted. My (adult) daughter lives in Portland (OR), and the last 2 years we have a standing visit (me to her) for a week of just hanging out, cooking together, long drives, hikes, waterfall chasing…that kind of stuff. My planned trip is coming up, June 2nd. Usually I book an AirBnB or VRBO and a car, and we spend whatever time we can together in between her work schedule, she stays at her place, I stay at “mine” - well…things are different now. She’s on furlough from her hospitality job (with no end in sight, I’m sad to say), and I have a plethora of AirBnB options (more than usual - I exclusively book with “superhosts”) with several offering full refunds (or nearly full refunds) if the need arises to cancel. I want to go. I want to see my kid, and do whatever we might be able to do, even if it’s just long drives and hanging out. She’s on the fence. She’d like to see me, but also says that even the hiking trails are closed (currently). My flight is able to be cancelled (no penalty, purchased before the SIP), the car is on hold (able to be cancelled, no penalty). The only thing I haven’t locked down is a place to stay. Which can wait. We’ve agreed to talk about it again around Memorial Day and decide at that time. To be clear, I would take every physical precaution around the air travel portion. I’m not an “reopen the world now!” person.