What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?


My trip is postponed until those restrictions go away. I’m not traveling to your state to self quarantine for two weeks. Frankly, until that gets resolved, Hawaii can kiss the tourist industry goodbye.

We all love to travel. But isn’t overtourism one of the causes of the pandemic? Look at the bright side. The pandemic does counteract the excesses of overtourism (and over urbanization, over globalization, over consumption, climate change, population aging, among other things). Nature sometimes works mysteriously.

We don’t “over travel”. This was a long awaited special trip to Hawaii. We hope we can do it at some point.

A lot of places around the world depend on tourism so I don’t see the lack of travel now as a positive. Except for us lucky Mainers who will have our beautiful state pretty much to ourselves this summer.

I think you’re right for the casual short term vacationer, esp if the vacation itself is 2 weeks or less, but right now, HI is topping our list for a place to potentially spend a good part of next winter. We had been doing FL the past couple of years and have done Caribbean Islands before as well, but HI seems to be considerably safer at this point - and we absolutely love it there.

Unfortunately, it’s possible a lot of folks could be thinking like us and driving the affordability rate out of our range. Time will tell. From having been south a good portion of most winters lately, there is a huge demographic involved from both the US and Canada - some from Europe as well. It’s not just “us.” Many folks opt for warmer weather and natural Vit D in the winter - for more than just a week or so. Plenty go for longer times than we are able to.

I meant we collectively, and globally, not directly at any of us individually. I love Hawaii. Kauai is among my favorite places on earth.

I think travel re-opening will happen in the wide open spaces more than in Hawaii or Europe. I read that Bryce Canyon will open early May. In places like that, travelers will feel they will be able to be physically distant from others.

Regarding national parks and other “wide open” spaces opening soon, it seems like when we’ve been, there are often big crowds at the desirable places to be. Old Faithful in Yellowstone for example - they have bleachers set up so people can watch. Climbing to Angels Landing (I think that’s the name of it) in Zion - a line of people waiting to go up, and I think they hang onto the same chain coming down (we did not go up - too scared).
But, I agree that IF people can use common sense, it’s great that they open.

Wow, when I posted on FB that Mainers would get to enjoy our state without lots of tourists for a change, I had no idea out of staters would be so offended. Yikes. I explained we’re not happy about the situation but we’re trying to make the best out of difficult circumstances.

We are planning to book two weeks in Florida in October. Everything I book will be refundable and we are planning to drive so we’ll see how that goes. Fingers crossed that most things will be open by then.

I never thought the crowded places were the desirable places to be.

Yosemite is in talks with Madera County about when to open up. When it does, I still won’t go into the Valley, it’s too crowded. But the high country, I can’t wait to get up there along the Tioga Road.

And like Maine, I hope out of staters leave our Sierra mountains to us. :smile:

@MaineLonghorn , I knew what you meant. I frequent TA Italy board and one Italian living in Naples made the same point. Although they welcome tourism, it will be nice having the Amalfi Coast Hill towns not overrun by tourists this year, especially those who live in those towns. They won’t want it long-term, but nice for a change.

@INJparent, I get your point. But I don’t think the Spanish Flu was due to over-traveling. All it takes is a few people to be the first carriers and then BAM, it’s like wild fire.

I’m pretty bummed about travel this year. I was supposed to be in Brazil and Argentina right now a trip that has taken lots of planning and so far I havn’t recieved a single refund.
I’m also supposed to go to Budapest and Prague in September, I noticed that my flights have already been cancelled by the airline I just haven’t been notified yet, that refund will be a fight for another day.

we’re in the midwest - and like to road trip. We are contemplating driving to Northern California this summer. Relatives have a cabin on a lake.

Know where we would find all of these COVID rules that each state has? Are they for travelers passing through? (like WY?) Are hotels even open along the way? We are trying to figure out how to do this the safest way possible. I feel like hotels are the biggest hindrance. . . . would love thoughts on this. [color=red] ****Sorry to all of you with cancelled trips . . . [/color=red]

Sure. There weren’t a lot of tourists those days, especially during the world war, but the spread of the Spanish Flu was greatly aided by the movement of troops and sailors. Viruses don’t travel themselves. People do.

@sly123 , yours is not the first I’ve read of cancelled flights without notification. I’m checking mine when I get back home.

A vaccine is not going to happen any time soon. Ditto the CDC will not make an official release that having a positive antibody test equals immunity. If Hawaii keeps this 14 day quarantine for the next year, the tourism industry will be dead. Even among retired folks with plenty of free time not too many can afford to spend $2k - $5k (at the low end) to be cooped up for 2 weeks in their rental so they could enjoy walking along the beach for the next week.

@conmama and @sly123, our flights were cancelled without notification. I just happened to check them a week ago. I called Monday to get my refund. They said it would take up to 21 days to receive it, but we got it yesterday.

This was with United.

@FlyMeToTheMoon , what airline? Mine is Delta.