What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

When this started SIL was in the last step of getting green card. He is still in the DR and she is still here living with us. The DR has the borders closed and looks like the will extend to end of May. She intends to travel there as soon as they reopen. We’ll have to figure out her return quarantine.

I’ve been thinking about buying a small RV. But I’d still need campgrounds to be open.

I want to see my son and my daughter. My dad is 94. I was to have been visiting him right now. He’s in good health but time to see him is obviously limited.

@Creekland - We are buying a tandem kayak. All the boat rental places are closed but we are allowed to boat now in groups of 2 or less if we have our own.

We looked at a tandem kayak at our Costco but could not take it home with us because we drove the smaller car to the store. Guess what. The big pile of kayaks sold out in a week.

@TatinG Maybe I should do that so I can go visit the grand kids! I could quarantine for the 14 days staying in the RV, then free to see my family :smiley: Of course by the time I did that, I might be called back to work, so just a pipe dream.

We have a couple tandem inflatable kayaks that we take with us when we go places where we might be able to use them. They aren’t quite as sleek as regular kayaks, but their portability inside the back of our Escape makes them perfect for us. (Obviously we only need one if it’s just the two of us, but there are times we travel with our kids - or in the past - parents.)

We also have a small sailboat H was given and completely restored. It’s not one we could sleep in though. It’s just an old Lightning racer, but he loves it. Apparently they’re loved in the sailing world because my farming lad did a video of something here on our farm and got a comment, “Is that a Lightning in the background??? Cool boat!” :wink: H also gets a lot of positive comments when he takes it places. It makes me think I’m the odd one out not enjoying sailing.

This year we’re going to have to be creative with our Anniversary trip in Aug. We haven’t missed a trip yet, so will come up with something. Many of the trips have been within a couple of hours of home, so that part isn’t a hindrance.

My July campground reservation in Aspen, during the Aspen Music Festival, has not been cancelled. (So far.)

The only real issue I’d see with camping itself is the shared bathrooms… this campground has no showers, but we usually clean up at the Aspen Rec Center, and I’m curious if that will be opened in July. Hoping Aspens’s magnificent hiking trails will be open, because that’s what we do: hike in the mornings, early afternoons – then hit the town for late lunch/early dinner/ drinks, etc.

Aspen in the summer is buzzing with activities - galleries, restaurants, shops, its well known Farmer’s Market, etc. plus of course the Aspen Music Festival concerts. I will be curious to see how CV affects all of this.

Honestly, I can’t wait to travel… Sicily already announced huge travel incentives once the island opens up… subsidized flights and major hotel discounts. We were planning to go to Southern Italy this fall and I’m itching to go.

Eh, suddenly I’m feeling very sad about how our lives have been upended… :frowning:

I just told my husband that with all the $$ saved from travelling this year, our next vacation will be flying first class go to Bora Bora :slight_smile:

Kids shot it down immediately. They said flying over 10,000 miles with multiple stops, 30 hours duration, to just sit on a beach is NOT worth it. We may visit Australia and New Zealand instead. I hope things will open back up in the summer of 2021.

@Creekland , I learned to sail on Lightening class boats. Lovely design.

My husband does business in both. And says, there’s been talk in both countries about keeping Americans out. We haven’t tested enough people and as a country are perceived to be lagging in our response. Will we get our act together by the summer of 2021? Who knows…

Speaking of keeping americans out - don’t most countries have 2 weeks quarantined before entering their county right now? I didn’t keep up. I just know Japan has that b/c that’s the only reason DH isn’t in Japan already. He really needs to be there for work…

I cry when I think that if we had kept all persons who were overseas out back in early February, all of this could have been avoided. We could have brought American citizens back slowly, in forced quarantine. That may have left some American citizens in foreign countries for months, but a little pain for a few thousand would have been better than all this pain for 300 million. So I completely understand countries not wanting foreign visitors anytime soon.

It pains me that my aged mother probably shouldn’t fly to come visit me. The extended family had planned to travel to visit me now that I have retired to a new state. Mom really can’t risk COVID infection. Also potentially on hold is a grand trip to Lake Jr.'s college graduation later this year. This is all so upsetting, not to even mention the loss of life.

We plan to be the near last ones to go anywhere. Let others develop the herd immunity!

I like the way the WA is ahead on doing things- Florida so bad, sigh (retired to Tampa several years ago- time flies) so IF they are opened up I would trust going there for a summer break from weather here. Especially with a nonstop flight. If a hurricane is coming we would drive to S IN inlaws to avoid it or on to WI- Irma’s closings were a bummer. One night in a hotel- or start early and keep going.

So glad we did our Alaskan cruise a few years ago. It was the best way to see that coast and experience a cruise. Thankfully avoided the impulse to go again this summer.

Thank goodness we have a house we like so can remain in place. And graduations, weddings, places already seen.

SC has lifted quarantine restrictions on OOS visitors from “hot spots.”

My main travel concern is D1 who is stuck home after coming here for spring break. She usually is home for the summer - PhD student - because she has things she does around here and her apartment is not air conditioned. Fine when can go to libraries and coffee shops for research/reading, but she would not want to stay there if stuck in apartment. Her car is there. She needs to fly there and pack up (she only has one week’s worth of clothes and needs books) and drive down. I guess I need to make sure she could find a hotel room (doesn’t usually do 12+ hour drive in one shot) and that there are places to stop for gas and bathroom breaks. She would be coming from CT to SC so comes thru mainly NY, NJ, PA, VA and NC.

We have a beach house for end of June. Fingers crossed - I don’t care about going out to eat, etc. I am happy to stay at house away from others and stare at the sea.

Edited to add: And my brother is staying here until July at least or until restrictions are lifted enough for him to get back to Amsterdam where he’s been working. My house is too full…

In a few days, I was set to go on a trip to Spain and Portugal. Sadly, that trip has been cancelled completely. I also just cancelled a trip to Sicily in the fall. I am hoping to plan some domestic trips later in 2021, but don’t expect that I will go on an international trip for a few years. Yes, sadly.

The virus was brought in earlier. The earliest known case was an overseas traveler who had returned to the US (Washington state) on January 15th. The earliest known US death was a woman who died on February 6th in California, and that is believed to have been due to community transmission. So “early February” was already too late to prevent US cases. There is a probably a lot that could have been done at that time (in hindsight) to mitigate the spread – but I think the perception and focus that the virus was only infecting travelers was part of the problem. – NOT the solution. Barring the door doesn’t do much good when the intruder is already inside.

This whole travel thing…my Christmas present was a three week trip to Hawaii for January 2021. It included the Norwegian 12 day cruise to four of the islands. I was so excited to do this. If the cruise line is still in business and we can get to Hawaii…we will still do it. With a balcony room. But I doubt this will happen in January?

Well, folks coming to Hawaii have to prepare to quarantine or prove they are immune or virus-free plus shorter quarantine. That’s the current plan. Our state has done a good job of reducing the active cases to single digit new cases and 16 deaths for the entire state. We really are trying our best to keep it that way.

With a 3 week reservation in Hawaii in February we figure we could quarantine ok as long as there is food delivery. Not ideal but there are worse places to quarantine ? And sure beats here in February!