<p>Salutations, I'm a new users here if there a introduction thread I couldn't find it, I'm just desperate to find out about this field, I'm a bit scared asking cause I don't want to get my hopes up too high.</p>
<p>Here goes...</p>
<p>I've already found the right college I will attend soon as a citizen in US,I will be going to University of Florida School of Engineering, and it's more tolerable with it's tuition more affordable for me. I've looked up the degrees I want to major in (BME & EE). I want to get into something like "Biomechatronics" as well Medical and Technology. The only thing I'm having trouble with now is does Biomedical Engineering teach you Bionics? </p>
<p>I know it teaches medical, chem, medicine,etc etc but I want to know, I've asked my question yahoo answer but no one's answering so I decided to sign up on this lovely forum and ask you.</p>