What can we do to support African American students and their families?

That would be wonderful!

@CCadmin_Jon I sent you a message a few days ago asking how you would like me to send you the sheet.


The basics here are heart felt communication which requires the bridging of a communications gap between cultures. We are each speaking our colloquial language unique to our cultural heritage. As already suggested, see https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-47449990/one-thing-americans-find-hard-to-talk-about

The finer points of truly mastering a foreign language are buried in cultural heritages. Learning and experiencing the environment of words requires careful listening and reflection, not just the memorization of word definitions. All this verbiage means that we have to tolerate listening to each other. This is the hardest part as it requires more listening than “telling.” We all tend toward “telling” the other person our perspective and values without knowing the listeners" language.

Just returned from a visit with an LSU graduate who was born and raised in Louisiana. As a “liberal” NE (born and raised) the communication was cumbersome, requiring long pauses for reflection/inteerpritation. Each had to strive to listen and to understand the other’s perspective. The discussion centered around the issue of recent race related rioting.

One focused on law and order while the other focused on an unceasing discrimination.

Perhaps we are talking to each other, but are we listening?

Where are the MLK’s of today. I would even settle for Jessie Jackson, more on the “radical” side but very sincere!

The community manager has a very tough job but we need to keep listening because we are the same family.

PS: New Englanders should never visit FLA in the summer. I escaped the virus, but not the sunburn!

Just found this read. We need more dialogue both directions. As a white person who worked in minority admissions, it took me awhile to see the scope of the problems and I’m still looking.

See https://www.bbc.com/news/business-53156213

How are your plans for this project coming along, @CCadmin_Jon? This past weekend I happened to run into someone (online) who would like such a resource as you wanted to develop.

Oh? I’d appreciate getting in touch with them, if they are willing.

Right now they are concerned about the k-12 schools opening up (if/when?) in their area, but I’ll let them know that if they are interested in getting special help in the college application process to contact you for that.

(I was actually going to volunteer to help with some of that (parts not specifically geared to AAs), but it would be great if one person could help them with all of that, too. One-stop shopping, so to speak.)