Without sharing your age (unless you want to!) share a celebrity or two (tv, movies, sports, royalty - whatever) who you share an age with AND you feel like they bring good vibes in looks or energy to that age - so that you are ok with being that age too!
Ok to cheat of course and use google! Ok to also sleuth how old others are by looking up their celebs…
Here’s mine - I’m choosing a male and a female:
Jane Lynch
Tony Goldwyn (Fitz from Scandal!! Swoon…)
The closest that I’m familiar with is Jean Smart. Lots of sports figures, politicians, and musicians that I don’t know! If I go a smidge further out I get Sting. So not bad company.
I Googled for people within three months of my birthday and am going with Esai Morales and, because this is a college-focused website, Felicity Huffman.