<p>"Frankly I don't care what fat people do with themselves, I just get annoyed when they say they don't understand why people aren't attracted to them, that people are too shallow, etc. If you don't want to make "sacrifices" to be healthy, don't expect most people to be attracted to you."</p>
<p>Ok, so the fault lies with the fat people. It is ok for us to be shallow. It is them to blame that they don't look like we want them to. And because they refuse to conform to the standards of beauty we'll call them lazy and stupid for it. We wont hire them for good jobs, well pay them less meanwhile requiring them to pay more for health insurance, we wont date them, and well make derisive jokes and comments about them. I haven't personally tried losing 80 pounds, but it is not sacrifice at all to starve yourself for a year in order to lose them. And if anyone has a food addiction, it should be easy to get over it, just like it is easy for drug addicts and alcoholics to control their behavior.</p>
<p>Ive seen a program on TV some time ago dedicated to studying how people of different weight get hired. A woman went from employer to employer the first as her normal-weighting self. The second time she was made to look ~50 pounds overweight. She was denied the jobs twice as many times. Employers dont want to hire fat people. In the past they also did not want to hire minorities and women. Currently, a taller person might get a larger salary than a shorter person, a man might get paid more that a woman. I do not think that this looks over abilities approach is just. And any of you guys who are demonizing fat people here as lazy and irresponsible are just going to grow up to continue this pattern.</p>
<p>Also, fat is almost always equaled to unhealthy. I personally have known two overweight guys in college who would exercise very frequently. But they both also ate hearty meals. So while being physically active, they did carry extra pounds on them. Does this make them unhealthy? I've also see fat girls exercise much more than thin girls. Some thin girls lack stamina because they eat so little and have nothing to burn. They were spent after 20 minutes in gym, while some overweight girls exercised for hours. So it is not fair to equal thin to healthy and fat to unhealthy. Fat people do go to gym. And thin people do have health problems. When you read a list of health problems overweight people might face, it might seem like all those pertain solely to fat people. Besides, if you follow through some studies, you'll see that being moderately overweight might predispose you to certain health problems only somewhat. It is being obese that can increase your chances significantly. But you know, being sexually promiscuous can also endow you with a lot of health problems. Yet, we dont label people who have many partners as irresponsible and unhealthy.</p>
<p>"They're still responsible for being fat."
Right, and we're responsible to being so shallow and treating them badly based solely on their looks.</p>
<p>"I think you can blame people for their genes."
No, you cannot blame people for their genes. You can blame them for what they do with them. But, of course, if you aren't in same boat as them you'll have no idea how much effort it might take them to overcome their nature. So I personally try to restrain myself from any blaming or judging.</p>
<p>Psshhh, I would say 75-80% of fat people are just lazy.
This would mean that significantly fewer overweight people would be able to go through college and get graduate degrees. Yet, if you look around there are many overweight lawyers, physicians, professors, bankers, etc. So your assumption is not correct. Overweight people attain just in much in life as normal-weight and thin people yet they face a lot of prejudice in our society.</p>