What classes should I take next year????

<p>I will be an incoming freshman (business major) this year and I was wondering whether or not to retake some classes that I already have AP credit for.</p>

<p>I have AP credit in both Micro and Macro econ...both 4's</p>

<p>I wanted to take the basic level classes (201 & 202) with the intent of being able to get a higher gpa. Also, taking it in college will give me an entirely new perspective that I probably couldnt have gotten when i learned it in high school. Is this thinking right? should i retake it so i could just pad up my gpa?</p>

<p>I also took the AP psych and government classes (however, no credit)....I plan on taking these again in college too, even though they dont really deal with my intended major.
I believe that since I already took them it would be easier the second time around and could help pad up the gpa.</p>

<p>should i retake them?...or is it a waste of time/money, and should i rather be taking classes which will prepare/direct me towards my major?</p>

<p>so far this is what I was thinking...</p>

<p>SEM 1
Micro econ
Calc 1
intro psychology</p>

<p>SEM 2
Macro econ
Statitistics (intro level)
us governemnt</p>

<p>can anyone answer this please?</p>


<p>I would take the AP credit. Intro classes have a tendency to be weed out classes, and you probably want to avoid those. College classes are harder than AP classes, doing well in an AP class in high school does not guarantee that you’re going to ace the class in college.</p>