<p>I am interested in:
*<em>college</em> --interest level
* Baylor U--4th
* Boston C--3rd
* Boston U--2nd
* Brown U--2nd
* Cornell U--2nd
* Duke U--1st
* George Washington U--2nd
* Georgetown U--2nd
* Johns Hopkins U--3rd
* Marquette U--3rd
* New York U--1st
* Purdue U--3rd
* Rice U--4th
* Syracuse U--4th
* U Chicago--2nd
* U Pennsylvania--2nd
* U Washington--3rd
* Wake Forest U--1st </p>
<p>There are probably a lot of schools I cannot get into, but, anyway, here are my qualifications:</p>
<p>-High school is 100% college prep--tuition for high school year is 20k
-3.3 career GPA is expected, --I am a sophomore now--
-4/5 AP classes expected, all in senior year
-At minimum, 60 hours community service for all four years, up to 100 total
-720 SAT score expected for math and reading +/- 50, 1440 total (650 for writing)
-Looking to be a math major, my career would be actuary
-Chess club junior year/senior year, maybe one other club as well
-No other extra-curriculars I can think of</p>
<p>So, what can I get into with these qualifications? What can I do to improve my portfolio to get into Wake Forest?</p>
<p>BTW, I am a really lazy person so don't include to much extra!</p>
<p>I understand the ivy schools and Duke are a reach, but I might as well set might sights high. These are simply the schools I am interested in as of now.</p>
<p>What about sports and other activities? Get out there and participate. If you’re not athletic, at least join the band, choir, stage crew or something like that.</p>
<p>Your grades and ECs need a lot of work before you even begin thinking about most of the schools on your list. You also need to eliminate that “lazy” streak. It’s a long, hard slog to getting into college these days.</p>
<p>you need way more ECs… and you should get your SAT writing score up, at least. its not that hard… once you have the grammar rules down. i went from 650 to 770 with a crappy 8 essay.!</p>
<p>and your GPA needs work. it shouldnt be that low, even if you have 4 APs</p>
<p>OK…I need to throw my 2 cents in regards to ECs. I know colleges might like to see a huge lists…but I don’t think they should be as important. What if a kid valued quality time with his family…parents or siblings? What if a kid had lots of hobbies that didn’t involve organized clubs? Is the chess club after school more important than a kid who went skating every day after school, or fishing or hunting or climbing? </p>
<p>Why does your hobby have to be an organized club to be recognized? People who are joining clubs just so it “will look good” are not being true to themselves…IMO.</p>
<p>My high school is a very rigorous academic school. A 3.3 GPA is in the top half of high school class!</p>
<p>Most of the colleges I am considering don’t put the most weighting on ec’s in the admission process. </p>
<p>I know I don’t have a lot of ec’s and I am fine with that, as well as my laziness, my main question is: What new things can I do between now and 2011 for bettering my chances, i.e. internship, etc. (things outside the box)</p>
<p>Purdue U, Marquette U, Syracuse U, U Washington, Boston U, and Baylor U all seem like locks for me to get in. </p>
<p>I just want to know what new things I can do that colleges like Wake Forest, NYU, and Georgetown.</p>
<p>Georgetown’s very important admission factors:</p>
<pre><code>* Character/Personal Qualities
Class Rank
Application Essay
Rigor of secondary school record
Standardized Test Scores
Academic GPA
<p>I don’t see extracurriculars…I choose schools like so.</p>
<p>since you go to an independent school, they do not inflate grades and colleges know that and treat them accordingly – you just wont be able to go for merit scholarships. your gc will be your best resource for all these questions, as you are aware, Im sure, so will your local prep for prep program. Your gpa is low, but will be excused. The only thing I dont understand is equating Wake with Duke they are on much different planes</p>
<p>If you really have no extracurriculars and don’t plan on somehow adding some significant ones, I think you have very little chance at any of these schools–except maybe Boston U and simliar schools.</p>
<p>Dude I’m not the biggest advocate of filling your app up with tons of ec’s, but if you are lazy and don’t want to join a few clubs to dedicate yourself to then you are disillusioned thinking you are a lock for any good school. With those supposed SATs you’ll probably get into good schools, but I don’t think you’ll get into Duke or Wake. Just join something and don’t accept your laziness because it might bite you in the butt down the road. Good luck</p>