What colleges would be a good fit?

<p>I am a junior, and beginning my college search process. I'd really like your take on what colleges you were/are interested in, why you like them, and which colleges you think would be a good fit for me. </p>

<p>I like smaller colleges, somewhere in the northeast. My sats are 2100, around a 3.8 uw gpa.I am not big on sports, or drama either. I want to major in history, or english, or perhaps double major. I am also interested in studying classical languages as a possible major/double major/minor. I would like to become a high school teacher. </p>

<p>I don't know how I feel about all women's colleges... how was your experience if you went to one? Were you able to find a group of guy friends? I am not very liberal either, so I don't know how life at an extremely liberal college like Sarah Lawrence would turn out. </p>

<p>I work hard at school, so I feel I would be able to maintain the stress of an intense school, however, I don't want to be TOO stressed, with an impossible workload. I'd like a good amount of social activities, clubs, and I want to be close to a town. I am not a fan of big cities, I like smaller towns better. Dorms are also REALLY important to me... I want a school with great dorms. I heard Bryn Mawr's were beautiful. </p>

<p>I guess, I mainly want a school with a small town atmosphere, a respectable reputation, something that has a good history/teaching program, and NOT a suitcase school, somewhere in the north east, with good dorms and a pretty campus. </p>

<p>I appreciate your responses!</p>

<p>Here are just a few things that are going through my head…</p>

<li><p>How much do you want to spend on a college, and are your parents going to be supporting you through college?</p></li>
<li><p>If you are truly set on becoming a high school teacher, realize that you will not make much $$, so you probably want a pretty cheap school. That means that unless you’re getting lots of need-based aid, you’re going to want to go to a realistic/safety.</p></li>

<p>Hmm…just a few schools coming to mind are Haverford, Ithaca College, and Muhlenberg. But honestly, those are completely random thoughts. I think establishing a basic list is something you really need to spend some time doing on your own, and then come here if you want opinions on what to add/cut :)</p>

<p>Money isn’t that much of an issue, and no, I don’t just want to go to a school for the price. So far I like:
Bryn Mawr
UPenn (reach)
Drew U
Sarah Lawrence
… are there any others you can think of?

<p>UPenn seems kind of random with the rest of those schools. You seem more like you’d be a Dartmouth person. UPenn is very pre-professional whereas most of your colleges are LACs.</p>

<p>2100 on the SAT and a 3.8 aren’t truly impressive for Dartmouth and their ilk…the rest of that list sounds good, though.</p>

<p>Actually, about the 3.8 gpa… I am just kind of guessing. My weighted is a 4.3… I have to ask my guidance counselor what my uw is for sure. AND…I am working on bringing up my sats… so idt that should be a problem. I like UPenn for the campus, although I haven’t visited Dartmouth yet… I will though!! Thanks!</p>

<p>Take the ACT, too. Some kids do better with that.</p>

<p>Maybe Dickinson ¶.</p>

<p>How about Lafayette, Colgate or Bucknell? </p>

<p>I agree with UPenn looking a bit out of place in that list too. You emphasized a small town atmosphere in your post but Penn is in Philly. However, you say you like their campus so you may have already visited.</p>