What constitutes reaches, matches, and safeties

Unrestricted EA with a December answer: Fordham is one, i am sure there are others

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Stanford has lots of hooked students in its REA round, so if you take out those students, the acceptance rate for the rest isn’t much different from its RD acceptance rate. Unless you’re a legacy, Stanford doesn’t want to read your application more than once.

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It’s difficult to ascertain whether the bump applies to unhooked applicants (and no, applying REA is not a hook). After backing out athletes, legacies, Questbridge, and other hooked applicants, the difference in EA and RD acceptance rates is not as high as it seems. Same is true when looking at ED vs RD acceptance rates at schools that offer ED (and the smaller the school the greater the impact of hooked applicants in ED).

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Again, Fordham has an ED program, not just EA.

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Yeah, these are almost certainly athletes, first-gen, and other highly hooked students. ED is a valuable tool for the admissions office to set a floor for yield, but it is even more valuable for hitting their targets for Pell grants, first gen, diversity, etc.


So far, DePaul meets the criteria.

I am not sure what you are trying to get out looking at only Private schools with EA but not ED that notify by Jan 1, but Butler, Loyola Maryland, U Dayton, U Dallas (Not UT Dallas) are others.

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Important to check as I’ve seen lots of schools changing their programs.

Georgetown now has EA (Can do other EAs but no ED or REA). Single Choice EA (No ED or other EA but can apply RD), ED1 , ED2, RD

Villanova, Richmond, Chicago allow you to apply EA along with another schools ED

Unless you can cite a source that actually tells you how many were “hooked” – There is no way to test your hypothesis.

I completely agree with this and The Princeton Review definitions. On CC, it is common to imply or directly say “almost all” applicants to the highly rejective schools are competitive with 4.0 and top stats and ECs, but this is just not the case in reality. More than one Admissions head has been quoted as saying about half the applicants are deemed competitive after first review , and that was pre-TestOptional surge in applicants! There is a very low probability that the surge due to test optional has a higher percentage that are deemed to be competitive by AOs than the pre-TO applicants. On CC we just do not have access to all the information (LOR, rigor compared to classmates, etc). So we cannot assess “chance” well at all.


I’m trying to see what EA-only schools that students who ED (to another school) can simultaneously apply to and get their EA decisions before they have to submit their RD/ED2 applications (like what @Novacat9191 may try to do).

I get it, but then why exclude public EA-only schools that satisfy these criteria, like Auburn and College of Charleston (there are more)?


I know many of the students involved. A couple were hooked, most were not. None were recruitable athletes, none were 1st gen, most were not URM, and only 1-2 were legacy. (and a few other legacies who were rejected… Cornell denies admission to most of their legacies).

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You’ve got a good point. I’d always assumed nearly all desirable public flagships announce their EA decisions post the 1/1 deadline.

Yet we are sure there are many hooked candidates in the restricted EA/ED rounds…this is where most recruited athletes apply, most legacies (some schools won’t consider legacy in RD), most QB, all Posse, etc.

So we are CERTAIN the difference in acceptance rates between restricted EA/ED and RD rounds is not as great as it looks on first blush after accounting for hooked applicants. Some schools have been more transparent than others in releasing the percentages of hooked candidates over the years (e.g., Penn).


I understand we are looking at relatively more selective schools, but would like to point out Auburn’s EA acceptance rate this year was 24% :exploding_head:. Applicants are getting the message to secure early acceptances, and some of the ‘less’ selective publics and privates with EA that notify by Jan 1 will only increase in popularity. We are seeing this a bit also with rolling admission schools like Pitt, which was a tough admit this year for those who applied relatively late (even high stats students).

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On that, I can agree. The difference is likely significantly smaller than it would seem. But we can’t say that there is absolutely no ED boost.

I agree, even after accounting for hooked candidates there is still generally some benefit for applying ED (and restricted EA), especially for full pay applicants, and using our estimates for hooked applicants we can get close to the relative benefit.

Harvard’s lawsuit data (which is dated now and some of their admissions practices have since changed) showed a benefit to applying SCEA. Some schools like Gtown and MIT say there’s no benefit to applying early, but I reserve the right to agree with that until they produce the data (which I know is not forthcoming LOL).


IME, the ED bump seems reasonably diminished for unhooked, majority applicants from overrepresented states who are applying to “highly rejective,” need-blind schools. I only have anecdotal evidence, but I can think of many CIS white female applicants from NYC who were deferred or rejected ED, only to be accepted to their original or similarly selective schools in RD.


More colleges with EA that satisfy @1NJParent 's criteria:

2023-2024 Catalogs < Point Loma Nazarene University.
First Year Application Requirements and Checklist - Admissions | Eckerd College
First-year students | Lynn University
Freshmen Admissions | University of Tampa
Application Deadlines | Covenant College.
First-year - Oglethorpe University

But then perhaps the unstated criterion is “prestigious enough to be regularly considered by those posting on these forums”, which probably excludes most of them.