What Degree to Pursue?

<p>I have a <em>perhaps</em> quick question about what degree to pursue in college? I want to be an OB/GYN. I know that I will need an undergrad degree, a residency, and certification by the Board, but what degree do I pursue as an undergrad? After that, do I pursue and M.D.? If anyone can help, it would be most appreciated!!!</p>

<p>You should go to the med school forums. To be a medical doctor in the USA (whichever specialty you become), you need to go to Medical School. To go to Med School, you need to perform well in undergrad, perform well in specified science classes and perform well in the MCATs. What you major in is irrelevant – biology or archaeology or music performance or Hebrew literature, BA or BS – as long as you can achieve the items I just mentioned.</p>

<p>4 or 5 years of college (BA or BS)
4 years of medical school (MD or you can go to an osteopathic medical school and get a DO…really no big difference in the grand scheme of things)
4 years of OB/GYN residency
3 years of an optional fellowship if you develop interests in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility, Gynecologic Oncology, or Urologic Gynecology.</p>