What did you get on your AP exams (2014)?

<p>I just got my AP scores and this is what I got.</p>

<p>AP Art History (4)
AP Calculus AB (4)
AP Language and Composition (3)
AP US History (4)</p>

<p>I was sooo surprised that I passed the English exam! I really suck at english. For example I got a 500 on the SAT's critical reading sections. Overall, I'm happy with my scores!</p>

<p>So I want this thread to be solely based on those who got their AP scores! Feel free to flaunt you 5s all over the place because you deserve it from all that studying you did. I hope you guys did great!</p>

<p>Haha congrats on your scores :ā€™)
Iā€™m still waiting on mine (Tuesday) but I took Calc AB, Lang, and US (and care about the score of each in that order). </p>

<p>Post on this thread. <a href=ā€œ2014 AP score RESULTS thread - AP Test Preparation - College Confidential Forumsā€>2014 AP score RESULTS thread - AP Test Preparation - College Confidential Forums;