<p>I'm an international student, and I have applied ED to GS. I'm very happy that I found that forum, because I found a lot of great information about the application process and some statistics of accepted students- something that I really wanted to know. </p>
<p>I'm just wondering, what did you guys include in your essay? I have a high GPA, good recommendation letters, etc. but I don't feel that good about my essay... I wrote about my educational history, my previous jobs, why 2 years ago I decided to go back to college and was able to obtain a high GPA... things like that, mainly a summary which I'm not that happy about.... </p>
<p>Please, share some ideas and what you think makes a great essay for such a school as Columbia... </p>
<p>i suppose i am in the opposite boat. I know my essay is strong, its some old grades that scare me. we will see i guess!</p>
<p>to answer your question, there is another thread someone started that has a lot of information about essay topics from both current students and applicants. it should be somewhere close to the top of the first page…</p>
<p>Thanks for replying
So, if you don’t mind, could you tell me what makes you think that your essay is strong? I wish I could say that, too… Did you write a lot about your work experience etc…? It’d be great if you could give me some closer idea, well after all we applied already, and nothing will change that now…
<p>By the way, when I attended one of Columbia’s information sessions I heard from admissions manager that there’s no such a thing as competition when applying- it’s simply whoever qualifies, gets admitted. Whoever does not qualify ( isn’t a good fit in their eyes; won’t manage… etc), won’t get in… I wonder if it’s really true…</p>
<p>My essay is strong because I answered the essay prompt. Next question.</p>
<p>Of course I answered a question too, that itself does not make an essay strong…! If you have nothing useful to say, better don’t say anything and move to the next question, exactly.</p>