what do ap score reports say?

<p>i've already called to get my scores, but when they come in the mail...does it just say my score? or is there a breakdown of how i did in the mc and essay sections??</p>

<p>Just your score.</p>

<p>aw man, really? no breakdown? is there anyway to find out how i did on the sections?</p>

<p>As of now, your exam fees just go toward a sheet of paper that shows which tests you’ve taken and their corresponding score—no breakdown whatsoever. [And I still anticipate it with a heavy heart lol].</p>

<p>so i cant even like call and ask how i did on each part? boooo</p>

<p>^ I feel the same way. I think it is a waste of paper, really, to just have one-digit numbers and nothing else on the report</p>

<p>i believe u can, but there’s a fee to.</p>

<p>No. There currently isn’t a way to get your breakdown. Paid or free.</p>

<p>^ Actually CB can do that and did, but not for you, paid or not.</p>